Summer of Civic Hacking A mobile app for Vermont's Green Up Day.
Setting Up Your Development Environment on Windows
- Install Python 2
- Install Node
- Install and Configure Atom
- Install Meld
- Install and Configure Git
- Install Java 8 JDK
- Install React Native
- Install and Configure Android Studio
- Set the ANDROID_HOME Environment Variable
- Create a New Android Virtual Device
- Clone the Green Up Vermont repository
- Run the Project
Setting Up Your Development Environment on Mac
- Install Python 2 on Mac
- Install Node on Mac
- Install and Configure Atom on Mac
- Install Meld on Mac
- Install and Configure Git on Mac
- Install Java 8 JDK on Mac
- Install React Native on Mac
- Install XCode on Mac
- Install and Configure Android Studio on Mac
- Set the ANDROID_HOME Environment Variable on Mac
- Create a New Android Virtual Device on Mac
- Clone the Green Up Vermont repository on Mac
- Run the Project on Mac
These instructions are for Windows 10 - 64 bit.
- Download the Python2 installer here :
- Launch the installer.
- Selected the default install location
- On the "Customize Python" screen, select "Add python.exe to Path." and then select "Will be installed on local hard drive"
Continue through the wizard using the default settings
Verify that Python 2 is installed by opening a terminal. You open a terminal by typing "cmd" in the windows search bar and choosing "command prompt." in the terminal type
python --version
you should see "Python 2.7.13"
Download the Node installer here :
Launch the installer.
Click through the installer accepting all the default settings.
Verify that Node is installed by opening a terminal and typing
node --version
you should see "v7.10.0"
Download the Atom installer here :
Launch the installer and acknowledge that you want to run the file.
Click through the installer accepting all the default settings.
Launch Atom by typing "atom" in the search bar. You may want to add Atom to your task bar by right-clicking the Atom icon and selecting "Pin to taskbar"
- You will need to install the Nuclide package which is an IDE package for React-Native created by Facebook. On the Atom Welcome Guide Screen, click "Install a Package"
- In the Settings search box type "nuclide" an click "Packages". Then click "install" for "nuclide" and "nuclide-format-js"
Download the Meld installer here :
Launch the installer.
Click through the installer accepting all the default settings.
If you want, pin Meld to your taskbar like you did Atom.
Download the Git installer here :
Launch the installer.
Click through the installer accepting all the default settings.
Verify that Node is installed by opening a terminal and typing
node --version
you should see "git version"
- Set your name and email in Git using the following commands in the terminal.
git config --global "YOUR NAME"
git config --global [email protected]
Go to the Download page for the Java 8 JDK here :
Accept the licensing agreement and click the download link for Windows x64.
- Launch the installer.
Click through the installer accepting all the default settings.
Verify that Java is installed by launching a terminal window and typing
java -version
. You should should see 'java version "1.8.0_131"'
Open a terminal window and install React Native Command Line Interface using the Node Package Manager by typing
npm install -g react-native-cli
Verify that React Native is installed by typing
react-native -version
You should see "react-native-cli: 2.0.1"
Go to the download page for Android Studio here :
Click the first download button and accept the licensing agreement and click the second download button to begin the download.
Launch the installer
- On the "Choose Components" screen, select all components for installation.
- Accept the License Agreement
- On the "Configuration Settings" screen, change the "Android SDK Installation Location" to C:\Android\sdk. This will avoid a possible problem later.
- Accept the default menu folder. When the initial installation is finished, start Android Studio.
- Begin configuring Android Studio by clicking "next" on the initial screen
- Choose "Custom" for the type of setup.
- Choose which theme you prefer.
- Install the AVD and HAXM. Make sure the boxes next to all of the following are checked:
- Android SDK
- Android SDK Platform
- Performance (Intel ® HAXM)
- Android Virtual Device
Then, click "Next" to install all of these components.
- Set your RAM allocation to 2048 MiB (2Gib)
- Verify your settings and click "Finish"
- We will now need to configure an Android emulator. To get to the main screen, select "start a new Android Stuoio project"
- We won't be using this project for anything, so accept the default name. You may need to change the project location if your home folder contains spaces. If set the project location to "C:\MyAndroidProjects\MyApplication".
- Uncheck all except "Phone and Tablet". The Minimum SDK should be set at "API 15: Android 4.0.3 (IceCream Sandwich)""
- Choose "Basic Activity"
- Click "Finish"
- If you get a firewall warning click "Allow access"
- You should now be at the main screen. We need to install the correct SDK versions. Select Tools >> Android >> SDK Manager
- Select the "SDK Platforms" tab Click the "Show Package Details" checkbox near the bottom right and the select the following under "Android 6.0 (Marshmallow)"
- Google APIs
- Android SDK Platform 23
- Sources for Android 23
- Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image
- Google APIs Intel x86 Atome_64 System Image
- Select the "SDK Tools tab Click the "Show Package Details" checkbox near the bottom right. Select the following
- 23.0.1
- 23.0.3
- 25.0.0
- 25.0.3
- Click "OK" to start the installation.
- We need to set the ANDROID_HOME path variable. To start this open up the control panel, You can find it by typing "Control Panel" in the search bar. Then click "System and Security"
- Select "System"
- Select "Advanced system settings"
- Choose the "Advanced" tab and click the "Environment Variables..." button
- Click the "New..." button under "User variables"
- Set the variable name to "ANDROID_HOME" and the variable value to "C:\Android\sdk". If this is not where you installed the sdk you will need to point this value to the correct path.
- Verify that your ANDROID_HOME variable is set correctly.
- Open Android Studio and select Tools >> Android >> AVD Manager
- Click the "Create Virtual Device" button
- Select the Nexus 5x device under the Phone category, then click "Next"
- Under the "x86 Images" tab, choose the "Marshmallow API 23 | ABI | x86_64" Image. Click "Next"
- Change the AVD Name to "GreenUpVT" and click "Finish"
- Verify that you created a new device.
You should already be here, but if you aren't go to the Green Up Vermont GitHub page here :
Click the green "Clone or download" button and then click the small "Copy to clipboard" icon to the right of the repository url.
- Open a terminal window, then type "git clone" and then hit ctrl v to paste the url from the repository
- After the cloning finishes, Install the project dependencies. First navigate into the project folder by typing "cd GreenUpVermont" and then install the packages by typing "npm install"
Start Android Studio. Then start your GreenUpVT virtual device by selecting Tools >> Android >> AVD Manager, and then clicking the green arrow under actions next to your virtual device. It may take a couple of minutes for the emulator to launch.
Open a terminal and cd into the GreenUpVermont folder. Run the command
react-native start
Leave the first terminal running and open a second terminal window. Use the cd command to navigate into the GreenUpVermont folder. Run the command
react-native run-android
the project should build and launch in the Virtual Device.