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Sample: copy data from Azure Blob Storage to Azure SQL Database

In this tutorial, you create a Data Factory pipeline that copies data from Azure Blob Storage to Azure SQL Database. The configuration pattern in this tutorial applies to copying from a file-based data store to a relational data store.

You perform the following steps in this tutorial:

  • Create a data factory.
  • Create Azure Storage and Azure SQL Database linked services.
  • Create Azure BLob and Azure SQL Database datasets.
  • Create a pipeline contains a Copy activity.
  • Start a pipeline run.
  • Monitor the pipeline and activity runs.


  • Azure subscription. If you don't have a subscription, you can create a free trial account.
  • Azure Storage account. You use the blob storage as source data store. If you don't have an Azure storage account.
  • Azure SQL Database. You use the database as sink data store. If you don't have an Azure SQL Database.
  • Visual Studio 2013, 2015, or 2017. The walkthrough in this article uses Visual Studio 2017.
  • Download and install Azure .NET SDK.
  • Create an application in Azure Active Directory. Make note of the following values that you use in later steps: application ID, authentication key, and tenant ID. Assign application to "Contributor" role by following instructions in the same article.

Create blob and SQL table

Now, prepare your Azure Blob and Azure SQL Database for the tutorial by performing the following steps:

Create source blob

  1. Launch Notepad. Copy the following text and save it as inputEmp.txt file on your disk.

  2. Use tools such as Azure Storage Explorer to create the adfv2tutorial container, and to upload the inputEmp.txt file to the container.

Create sink SQL table

  1. Use the following SQL script to create the dbo.emp table in your Azure SQL Database.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.emp
        ID int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        FirstName varchar(50),
        LastName varchar(50),
  2. Allow Azure services to access SQL server. Ensure that Allow access to Azure services setting is turned ON for your Azure SQL server so that the Data Factory service can write data to your Azure SQL server. To verify and turn on this setting, do the following steps:

    1. Click More services hub on the left and click SQL servers.
    2. Select your server, and click Firewall under SETTINGS.
    3. In the Firewall settings page, click ON for Allow access to Azure services.

Build and run the sample

  1. Click Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console.

  2. In the Package Manager Console, run the following commands to install packages:

    Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory
    Install-Package Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager
    Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory
  3. Set values for variables in the Program.cs file:

    // Set variables
    string tenantID = "<tenant ID>";
    string applicationId = "<Activity directory application ID>";
    string authenticationKey = "<Activity directory application authentication key>";
    string subscriptionId = "<subscription ID>";
    string resourceGroup = "<resource group name>";
    // Note that the data stores (Azure Storage, Azure SQL Database, etc.) and computes (HDInsight, etc.) used by data factory can be in other regions.
    string region = "East US";
    string dataFactoryName = "<name of the data factory>"; //must be globally unique
    // Specify the source Azure Blob information
    string storageAccount = "<name of Azure Storage account>";
    string storageKey = "<key for your Azure Storage account>";
    string inputBlobPath = "adfv2tutorial/";
    string inputBlobName = "inputEmp.txt";
    // Specify the sink Azure SQL Database information
    string azureSqlConnString = "Server=tcp:<name of Azure SQL Server>,1433;Database=spsqldb;User ID=spelluru;Password=Sowmya123;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30";
    string azureSqlTableName = "dbo.emp";
  4. Build the project and run the program.

See Also

For step-by-steps instructions to create this sample from scratch, see Quickstart: create a data factory and pipeline using .NET SDK.


Azure Data Factory Tutorial






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