This code is kept here for future reference. It comes without any warranty.
The purpose of the program is to help in migrating from RedNotebook to Obsidian as a note-organizing software.
The main program,
takes an input directory containing the .txt
files of a RedNotebook database and converts these to a collection of MarkDown-formatted files that are organized in 'year'/'month' subdirectories of the output directory.
The module
is a slightly modified version of
(see txt2tags source code. It takes care of converting RedNotebook's txt2tags markup to MarkDown markup as used by Obsidian.
- The script looks for a folder "Export" in the directory it is ran from, this allows you to take your extracted RedNotebook data instead of looking for it originally referenced at './RedNotebook/data/'
- Added the ability to process the 'U' character
- Formatting could be optimized
- Change output directory to not format by Year and change filename to the date it was written