A convenient wrapper for Highchart generation procedurally or on the command-line to browser output.
For documentation on highcharts visit: Highcharts API
And remember Highcharts is only free for non-commercial use: Pop over to Highcharts Licensing for more info!
Using Highcharts is so simple: You can even do it on the command line!
from PyHighcharts import Highchart
H = Highchart(width=500, height=500, renderTo='container')
data = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
This show() function generates a temporary HTML file and opens up the chart for viewing in your default browser
This Highcharts codebase was primarily developed for use within templating: And that is easy to do also!
{ Highcharts.need() }
<div id='container'></div>
{ test_highchart_content }
All you need to do is pass in the highcharts pre-generated with the generate() function to your templates within some script tags (And don't forget to correctly name the id's of the divs!)
- Line
- Spline
- Area
- AreaRange
- AreaSpline
- AreaSplineRange
- Gauge
- Bar
- Column
- Scatter
- ColumnRange
- Pie
- Series
There is a few examples within /highcharts/examples.py to try out