If you just want to use it, get it here ###Download Section
PokiiMap is basically PokeVision on Android, an app to help you san for pokemons in a map, because it's really important to catch'em all!
####Do NOT use the same account on your phone at the same time, it will look like you are at 2 locations at the same time which is an obvious signal of cheating
- Download and install the APK
- Press the buttons to play
Quick story, my wife had been obsessively playing PokemonGO since its release. I wrote this app mainly to help her play it. It's working pretty well so I decided to polish it a bit and contribute it back to the community. Download it if you like the game and hopefully it helps you. If you are a developer, fork it and join me build some awesome things before they start cracking down private API uses.
To start, import it into android studio. Then get a google map API key from google, add it to google_maps_api.xml. Build and have fun! (Messy codes warning)
- Login with Google or PTC
- Show pokemons
- Catch pokemon (try not to use it, go outside and play!)
- Change location (don't teleport too often and too much!)
- Settings
- Ask for donation :)
All the great people at https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4trjum/pok%C3%A9mon_go_development_archive_works_in_progress/
see https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongodev/comments/4td499/a_note_about_security/
I have no interests in stealing your accounts and passwords.