An equation solver and visualizer, which aims to help in grasping how mathematical equations are transformed and solved. By this the threshold for obtaining deeper mathematical understanding can be reduced.
NOTE: VISualMAth is supported for python3 and above only. The recommended installation method is through pip/pip3.
- To install do
$ pip3 install visualmath
This sets up the environment to run on your computer.
- For launching visma do
$ visma
>>> gui
Note: For windows user (and those for whom) the above launching option is not available, to launch visma GUI do
$ python3
>>> from visma.main import init
>>> init() # for starting visma
>>> gui # for visma gui
If visma is to be installed locally or for development:
- Download the source zip and extract.
- For installing dependencies, from source folder do
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- For launching do
$ python3
NOTE: If using pip instead of pip3 for installing, make sure to check if the pip exists in python3 library by checking the pip version.
$ pip --version
For code documentation and learning how to use visma check out the wiki.
Below is a quick demo of using visma and some of its capabilities.
To see all features of visma, check this out.
PRs are welcomed. For contributing to visma refer If there are any issues or ideas they can be addressed through the issues or in chat room.
visma is distributed under the GNU GPL-3 or later.