This project demonstrates how to capture real-time network traffic using Kafka, detect malware using YARA rules, and trigger email notifications upon malware detection. The project is divided into three key components: dynamic stream production, malware injection, and malware detection.
- Project Overview
- Prerequisites
- Project Setup
- Code Breakdown
- What I Have Done
- Future Improvements
- License
This project captures real-time network traffic, injects malware (EICAR test string), detects it using YARA rules, and sends email alerts when malware is found.
Make sure you have the following tools and modules installed on your system:
- Docker
- Kafka and Zookeeper
- Python 3.6+ with these modules:
- kafka-python
- yara-python
- smtplib
You'll also need:
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) if you're running on a Windows machine.
- App Password for Gmail to enable email notifications.
Download and install Docker from here.
Create a
file to run both Kafka and Zookeeper. Example:version: '3' services: zookeeper: image: bitnami/zookeeper:latest environment: - ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN=yes ports: - "2181:2181" networks: - kafka-net kafka: image: wurstmeister/kafka:latest environment: - KAFKA_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT:// - KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092 - KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=zookeeper:2181 - KAFKA_BROKER_ID=1 - KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 ports: - "9092:9092" depends_on: - zookeeper networks: - kafka-net networks: kafka-net: driver: bridge
Run Kafka and Zookeeper:
bash docker-compose up -d --build
Step 2: Set Up Python Environment Install the required Python libraries:
bash pip install kafka-python yara-python smtplib
Step 3: Setup Docker and Run Kafka/Zookeeper To check if Kafka and Zookeeper are running, use:
bash docker ps
Step 4: Setting Up Environment Variables To avoid hardcoding sensitive credentials like your email password, use environment variables.
On Linux/WSL, set them like this:
bash export SENDER_EMAIL="[email protected]" export SENDER_PASSWORD="your-app-password" export RECIPIENT_EMAIL="[email protected]"
Replace the placeholders with your actual email and app password. DO NOT USE YOUR ACTUAL PASSWORD, CREATE AN APP PASSWORD IF NECESSARY (browse google or ask chatgpt for instructions)
Step 5: Running the Project Start Kafka and zookeeper by running:
docker-compose up -d
To verify the stream in Docker:
Topic: real-network-traffic
(Steps to be done after running
Enter the stream:
docker exec -it <kafka_container_id> /bin/bash
enter the stream:
docker exec -it <kafka_container_id> /bin/bash
to run stream from beginning:
cd /opt/kafka/bin
./ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic real-network-traffic --from-beginning
delete the current stream:
bash --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --delete --topic real-network-traffic
recreate the current stream:
bash --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic real-network-traffic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1
Run the dynamic stream producer:
bash python3
Inject the malware string (EICAR) into the stream:
bash python3
Run the malware detection consumer:
bash python3
- Dynamic Stream ( This script captures live network traffic from TCPDump and sends the data to a Kafka topic (real-network-traffic).
Key components: KafkaProducer: Streams captured network traffic into Kafka. tcpdump: Captures packets.
Malware Injection ( This script injects a predefined EICAR test string (mimicking malware) into the Kafka stream.
Malware Detection ( This script consumes the Kafka stream, applies YARA rules to detect malware, and sends email alerts if malware is found.
What I Have Done Kafka Stream Setup: Captured real-time network traffic and streamed it into Kafka using Python. Malware Detection: Implemented YARA rules for malware detection. Email Notifications: Sent email alerts upon detecting malware in the stream. Docker Integration: Set up Kafka and Zookeeper using Docker for a clean and replicable environment. Future Improvements Enhanced Malware Detection: Add more YARA signatures for various types of malware. Scalability: Deploy this setup in a distributed system with real-time data pipelines. Visualization: Integrate a dashboard (e.g., Grafana) for monitoring the network traffic. License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the License.txt file for details.
Future Improvements Enhanced Malware Detection: Add more YARA signatures for various types of malware. Scalability: Deploy this setup in a distributed system with real-time data pipelines. Visualization: Integrate a dashboard (e.g., Grafana) for monitoring the network traffic.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the License.txt file for details.