Varying Vagrant Vagrants is an open source Vagrant configuration focused on WordPress development.
The online documentation contains detailed installation instructions.
VVV is a 10up creation and transitioned to a community organization in 2014.
- Latest Stable: 2.5.0 master branch
- Web:
- Contributing: Contributions are more than welcome. Please see our current contributing guidelines. Thanks!
VVV is under the MIT License.
- Approachable development environment with a modern server configuration.
- Stable state of software and configuration in default provisioning.
- Excellent and clear documentation to aid in learning and scaffolding.
VVV is ideal for developing themes and plugins, as well as for contributing to WordPress core.
- Vagrant 2.2.4+
- Virtualbox 5.2+
VVV is built on a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) base VM and provisions the server with current versions of several software packages, including:
- Nginx (mainline)
- MariaDB 10.1.x (drop-in replacement for MySQL)
- PHP FPM 7.2.x
- Memcached
- PHPUnit
- Composer
- NodeJs v10
- Mailhog
For a more comprehensive list, please see the list of installed packages.
VVV requires recent versions of both Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Vagrant is a "tool for building and distributing development environments". It works with virtualization software such as VirtualBox to provide a virtual machine sandboxed from your local environment.
Besides VirtualBox, provider support is also included for Parallels, Hyper-V, VMWare Fusion, and VMWare Workstation.
The online documentation contains detailed installation instructions.
Full documentation can be found on the website.
A full list of contributors can be found here.