Time and Date APIs support looking up several different locations and IDs. As of API version 2 the following variations are available:
- Numeric ID (e.g. 187)
- Textual ID (e.g. "usa/las-vegas")
- Coordinates (e.g. "+59.743+10.204")
- Airports (e.g. "a-ENZV")
The class LocationId is used to set the appropriate location ID. Airports categorize the same way as textual ID.
An access key and a secret key is required to use the API. If you are not already a Time and Date API user, please see our API offers to get a free 3 month trial. For more information, see our API Services page.
Developed with Mono C# Compiler
Get astronomy information for a place on a date by textual ID:
var place = new LocationId("usa/anchorage");
var date = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
var service = new AstronomyService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var astroInfo = service.GetAstronomicalInfo(AstronomyObjectType.Sun, place, date);
Get astronomy information for a place between two dates by numeric ID:
var place = new LocationId(187);
var startDate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
var endDate = new DateTime(2015, 1, 30);
var service = new AstronomyService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var astroInfo = service.GetAstronomicalInfo(AstronomyObjectType.Moon, place, startDate, endDate);
Retrieve specific astronomy events by coordinates:
var coordinates = new Coordinates(59.743m, 10.204m);
var place = new LocationId(coordinates);
var date = new DateTime(2015, 1, 1);
var service = new AstronomyService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
service.Types = AstronomyEventClass.Meridian | AstronomyEventClass.NauticalTwilight;
var astroInfo = service.GetAstronomicalInfo(AstronomyObjectType.Moon, place, startDate, endDate);
Other options:
// Adds the DateTime-object ISOTime to every astronomical day
service.IncludeISOTime = true;
// Adds the DateTime-object UTCTime to every astronomical day
service.IncludeUTCTime = true;
// Adds a search radius if GetAstronomicalInfo is used with coordinates
service.Radius = 50; // km
Convert time from a location:
var place = new LocationId("norway/oslo");
var date = DateTime.Now;
var service = new ConvertTimeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var convertedTime = service.ConvertTime(place, date);
Convert time from a location using an ISO 8601-string:
var convertedTime = service.ConvertTime(place, "2015-04-21T16:45:00");
Convert time from one location to multiple locations:
var listOfLocations = new List<LocationId>();
listOfLocations.Add(new LocationId("usa/las-vegas"));
listOfLocations.Add(new LocationId(179);
var place = new LocationId("oslo/norway");
var service = new ConvertTimeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.ConvertTime(place, DateTime.Now, listOfLocations);
Other options:
// Add TimeChanges for each location
service.IncludeTimeChanges = true;
// Add Timezone information for each location
service.IncludeTimezoneInformation = true;
// Search for a place by a specified radius
service.Radius = 50; // km
Get all daylight saving times:
var service = new DSTService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var allDST = service.GetDaylightSavingTime();
Get daylight saving time for a specified year:
var service = new DSTService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDaylightSavingTime(2014);
Get daylight saving time for a specified ISO3166-1 (Alpha2) country code:
var service = new DSTService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDaylightSavingTime("no");
Get daylight saving time for a specified ISO3166-1 (Alpha2) country code and year:
var service = new DSTService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDaylightSavingTime("no", 2014);
Other options:
// Add TimeChanges to each location
service.IncludeTimeChanges = true;
// Return only countries which have DST
service.IncludeOnlyDstCountries = true;
// Add locations for every country
service.IncludePlacesForEveryCountry = true;
Get dial code for a location:
var osloId = new LocationId("norway/oslo");
var service = new DialCodeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDialCode(osloId);
Get dial code to a location, from a location:
var osloId = new LocationId("norway/oslo")
var newYorkId = new LocationId("usa/new-york");
var service = new DialCodeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDialCode(osloId, newYorkId);
Get dial code results with a local number:
var osloId = new LocationId("norway/oslo")
var newYorkId = new LocationId("usa/new-york");
var number = 51515151;
var service = new DialCodeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetDialCode(osloId, newYorkId, number);
Other options:
// Do not include locations in return value
service.IncludeLocations = false;
// Do not include current time in return value
service.IncludeCurrentTime = false;
// Do not include coordinates to locations in return value
service.IncludeCoordinates = false;
// Do not include Timezone Information in return value
service.IncludeTimezoneInformation = false;
Get all holidays for a country by ISO3166-1 (Alpha2) country code:
var country = "no";
var service = new HolidaysService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetHolidaysForCountry(country);
Get all holidays for a country by year and ISO3166-1 (Alpha2) country code:
var country = "no";
var year = 2014;
var service = new HolidaysService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetHolidaysForCountry(country, 2014);
Get specific holidays for a country:
var country = "no";
var service = new HolidaysService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
service.Types = HolidayType.Federal | HolidayType.Weekdays;
var result = service.GetHolidaysForCountry(country);
Get all places in Time and Date (these can be used to look up data in other services):
var service = new PlacesService('accessKey', 'secretKey')
var result = service.GetPlaces();
Other options:
// Do not include coordinates in return value
service.IncludeCoordinates = false;
Get current time for a place:
var place = new LocationId(179);
var service = new TimeService('accessKey', 'secretKey');
var result = service.GetCurrentTimeForPlace(place);
Other options:
// Limit the number of responses
service.Limit = 5;
// Limit the search radius when using coordinates
service.Radius = 50; // km
// Do not add coordinates to location in return value
service.IncludeCoordinates = false;
// Do not add sunrise and sunset for location in return value
service.IncludeSunriseSunset = false;
// Do not add list of time changes in return value
service.IncludeListOfTimeChanges = false;
// Do not add timezone information to return value
service.IncldueTimezoneInformation = false;
Get UTC offset for a local time (only applicable if service.IncludeListOfTimeChanges has been set to true):
DateTimeOffset localTime = new DateTimeOffset(2015, 6, 7, 0);
Location sampleLoc = result.FirstOrDefault();
TimeSpan offset = sampleLoc.GetUTCOffsetFromLocalTime(localTime);