Easily and quickly automate recurring cryptocurrency purchases and take profits. Supports 122 exchanges and thousands of markets/pairs. Main usecases are to average-in on downtrends and periodically cash out on uptrends, as the majority of passive investors are highly unlikely to catch exact market tops and bottoms.
Designed to run on Google Cloud Run + Cloud Scheduler and managed using run-marathon, but can be deployed in any environment that supports Python3.
- Install run-marathon (python 3.6+)
pip3 install --user run-marathon
Create a trade-only API key on your favourite exchange
Save your API secret and password (if applicable) to GCP Secret Manager. These will be automatically decrypted and loaded on container startup using Berglas
echo -n 'your-api-secret' | \
gcloud secrets create api-secret \
--replication-policy="automatic" \
--data-file=- \
--project your-project
echo -n 'your-api-password' | \
gcloud secrets create api-password \
--replication-policy="automatic" \
--data-file=- \
--project your-project
- Modify the example run.yaml to fit your needs and then build + deploy
Note: If you want to use a pre-built Docker image, you can echo "FROM ghcr.io/adrianchifor/crypto-autobuyer:latest" > Dockerfile
and change dir
to the location of the Dockerfile.
$ run check
Cloud Run, Build, Container Registry, PubSub and Scheduler APIs are enabled. All good!
$ run build
Build logs: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds?project=your-project
Building crypto-autobuyer-cbpro ...
Waiting for builds to finish ...
Builds finished
$ run deploy
Deployment status: https://console.cloud.google.com/run?project=your-project
Deploying crypto-autobuyer-cbpro ...
Waiting for deployments to finish ...
Created service account [crypto-autobuyer-cbpro-sa].
Creating Cloud Scheduler job for crypto-autobuyer-cbpro ...
[crypto-autobuyer-cbpro]: https://your-app-url.a.run.app
Deployments finished
$ run ls
✔ crypto-autobuyer-cbpro europe-west1 https://your-app-url.a.run.app [email protected] 2020-01-08T01:14:44.496Z
# Wait for Cloud Scheduler job to run or invoke manually
$ run invoke crypto-autobuyer-cbpro -X POST
Bought 0.156231 BTC (1000 GBP)
The app takes the following environment variables:
EXCHANGE (required): The
of any of the exchanges that ccxt supports (122) -
API_KEY (required)
API_SECRET (required, store in GCP Secret Manager)
PASSWORD (required by some exchanges, like coinbasepro; store in GCP Secret Manager)
PAIR (required): The exchange ticker pair to use, e.g. BTC/GBP
AMOUNT (required): For the BTC/GBP pair it's the GBP amount, e.g. "1000" would buy £1000 worth of BTC
TAKE_PROFIT (optional): The percentage gain for taking profits on purchases, e.g. "30" would place a limit sell 30% above the buy price for the same amount