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πŸ’‰ Medusa on steroid, take your medusa project to the next level with some badass features πŸš€


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Extend medusa to fit your needs

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Getting started


npm i medusa-extender


This packages exports the necessary objects to customize medusajs and fit your needs.

Below is the architecture of this package and how its modules are related to each other. It will help you navigate the code base.

Dependency graph


  • πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Decorators and full typing support

Makes DX easy with the usage of decorators for modular architecture and full typing support for a better DX

  • πŸ—οΈ Flexible architecture.

You can organize your code as modules and group your modules by domains.

  • πŸŽ‰ Create or extend entities

Some of the problems that developers encounter are that when you want to add custom fields to an entity, it is not that easy. You can't extend a typeorm entity and adding custom fields through configuration makes you lose the typings and the domains in which they exist. Here, you can now extend a typeorm entity just like any other object.

  • πŸŽ‰ Create or extend services

If you need to extend a service to manage your new fields or update the business logic according to your new needs, you only need to extend the original service from medusa and that's it.

  • πŸŽ‰ Create or extend repositories

When you extend an entity and you want to manipulate that entity in a service, you need to do it through a repository. In order for that repository to reflect your extended entities, while still getting access to the base repository methods, you are provided with the right tools to do so.

  • πŸŽ‰ Create custom middlewares to apply before/after authentication

Do you want to apply custom middlewares to load data on the requests or add some custom checks or any other situations? Then what are you waiting for?

  • πŸŽ‰ Create custom route and attach custom service to handle it.

Do you need to add new routes for new features? Do you want to receive webhooks? It is easy to do it now.

  • πŸ’‘ Handle entity events from subscribers as easily as possible through the provided decorators.

Emit an event (async/sync) from your subscriber and then register a new handler in any of your files. Just use the OnMedusaEntityEvent decorator.

  • πŸ“¦ Build sharable modules

Build a module, export it and share it with the community.


Create your server

Click to see the example!
// index.ts
import { MyModule } from './modules/myModule/myModule.module';

async function bootstrap() {
    const expressInstance = express();
    const rootDir = resolve(__dirname);
    await new Medusa(rootDir, expressInstance).load(MyModule);
    expressInstance.listen(config.serverConfig.port, () => {'Server successfully started on port ' + config.serverConfig.port);


Create your first module πŸš€


Let's say that you want to add a new field on the Product entity.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/product.entity.ts

import { Product as MedusaProduct } from '@medusa/medusa/dist'; 
import { Column, Entity } from "typeorm"; 
import { Entity as MedusaEntity } from "medusa-extender";

@MedusaEntity({ override: MedusaProduct })
class Product extends MedusaProduct {
    customField: string;


After have updated your entity, you will have to migrate the database in order to reflect the new fields.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/20211126000001-add-field-to-product

import { MigrationInterface, QueryRunner } from 'typeorm';
import { Migration } from 'medusa-extender';

export default class AddFieldToProduct1611063162649 implements MigrationInterface {
    name = 'addFieldToProduct1611063162649';

    public async up(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {

    public async down(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {


We will then create a new repository to reflect our custom entity.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/product.repository.ts

import { OrderRepository as MedusaOrderRepository } from '@medusa/medusa/dist/repositories/order'; 
import { EntityRepository } from "typeorm"; 
import { Repository as MedusaRepository, Utils } from "medusa-extender"; 
import { Order } from "./order.entity";

@MedusaRepository({ override: MedusaOrderRepository })
export class OrderRepository extends Utils.repositoryMixin<Order, MedusaOrderRepository>(MedusaOrderRepository) {
	testProperty = 'I am the property from OrderRepository that extend MedusaOrderRepository';

	test(): Promise<Order[]> {
		return this.findWithRelations() as Promise<Order[]>;


We now want to add a custom service to implement our custom logic for our new field.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/product.service.ts

import { Service } from 'medusa-extender';

interface ConstructorParams<TSearchService extends DefaultSearchService = DefaultSearchService> {
    manager: EntityManager;
    productRepository: typeof ProductRepository;
    productVariantRepository: typeof ProductVariantRepository;
    productOptionRepository: typeof ProductOptionRepository;
    eventBusService: EventBusService;
    productVariantService: ProductVariantService;
    productCollectionService: ProductCollectionService;
    productTypeRepository: typeof ProductTypeRepository;
    productTagRepository: typeof ProductTagRepository;
    imageRepository: typeof ImageRepository;
    searchService: TSearchService;

@Service({ scope: 'SCOPED', override: MedusaProductService })
export default class ProductService extends MedusaProductService {
    readonly #manager: EntityManager;
    constructor(private readonly container: ConstructorParams) {
        this.#manager = container.manager;
    @OnMedusaEvent.Before.Insert(Product, { async: true })
    public async attachStoreToProduct(
        params: MedusaEventHandlerParams<Product, 'Insert'>
    ): Promise<EntityEventType<Product, 'Insert'>> {
        const { event } = params;
        event.entity.customField = 'custom_value';
        return event;
    public prepareListQuery_(selector: Record<string, any>, config: FindConfig<Product>): any {
        selector['customField'] = 'custom_value';
        return super.prepareListQuery_(selector, config) as any;


Let's say that you want to attach a custom middleware to certain routes

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/custom.middleware.ts

import { Express, NextFunction, Response } from 'express';
import {
} from 'medusa-extender';

const routerOption = { method: 'post', path: '/admin/products/' }; 

@Middleware({ requireAuth: true, routerOptions: [routerOption] })
export class CustomMiddleware  implements MedusaMiddleware {
    public consume(
        options: { app: Express }
    ): (req: MedusaAuthenticatedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => void | Promise<void> {
        return (req: MedusaAuthenticatedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction): void => {
            return next();


If you need to add custom routes to medusa here is a simple way to achieve this

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/product.router.ts

import { Router } from 'medusa-extender';
import yourController from './yourController.contaoller';

    router: [{
        requiredAuth: true,
        path: '/admin/dashboard',
        method: 'get',
        handler: yourController.getStats
export class ProductRouter {


the last step is to import everything in our module πŸ“¦

Click to see the example!
// modules/products/myModule.module.ts

import { Module } from 'medusa-extender';
import { Product } from './product.entity';
import { ProductRouter } from './product.router';
import { CustomMiddleware } from './custom.middleware';
import ProductRepository from './product.repository';
import ProductService from './product.service';
import AddFieldToProduct1611063162649 from './product.20211126000001-add-field-to-product';

    imports: [
export class MyModule {}

That's it. You've completed your first module πŸš€


Here is the list of the provided decorators.

Decorator Description Option
@Entity(/*...*/) Decorate an entity { scope?: LifetimeType; resolutionKey?: string; override?: Type<TOverride>; };
@Repository(/*...*/) Decorate a repository { resolutionKey?: string; override?: Type<TOverride>; };
@Service(/*...*/) Decorate a service { scope?: LifetimeType; resolutionKey?: string; override?: Type<TOverride>; };
@Middleware(/*...*/) Decorate a middleware { requireAuth: boolean; string; routerOptions: MedusaRouteOptions[]; };
@Router(/*...*/) Decorate a router { router: RoutesInjectionRouterConfiguration[]; };
@Migration(/*...*/) Decorate a migration
@OnMedusaEntityEvent.\*.\*(/*...*/) Can be used to send the right event type or register handler to an event

Entity event handling

One of the feature out the box is the ability to emit (sync/async) events from your entity subscriber and to be able to handle those events easily.

To be able to achieve this, here is an example.

Click to see the example!
// modules/products/product.subscriber.ts

import { Connection, EntitySubscriberInterface, EventSubscriber, InsertEvent } from 'typeorm';
import { eventEmitter, Utils, OnMedusaEntityEvent } from 'medusa-extender';
import { Product } from '../entities/product.entity';

export default class ProductSubscriber implements EntitySubscriberInterface<Product> {
    static attachTo(connection: Connection): void {
        Utils.attachOrReplaceEntitySubscriber(connection, ProductSubscriber);
    public listenTo(): typeof Product {
        return Product;
     * Relay the event to the handlers.
     * @param event Event to pass to the event handler
    public async beforeInsert(event: InsertEvent<Product>): Promise<void> {
        return await eventEmitter.emitAsync(OnMedusaEntityEvent.Before.InsertEvent(Product), {
            transactionalEntityManager: event.manager,

And then create a new handler.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/product.service.ts

import { Service, OnMedusaEntityEvent } from 'medusa-extender';

interface ConstructorParams {
    // ...

@Service({ scope: 'SCOPED', override: MedusaProductService })
export default class ProductService extends MedusaProductService {
    readonly #manager: EntityManager;
    constructor(private readonly container: ConstructorParams) {
        this.#manager = container.manager;
    @OnMedusaEntityEvent.Before.Insert(Product, { async: true })
    public async attachStoreToProduct(
        params: MedusaEventHandlerParams<Product, 'Insert'>
    ): Promise<EntityEventType<Product, 'Insert'>> {
        const { event } = params;
        event.entity.customField = 'custom_value';
        return event;

And finally, we need to add the subscriber to the connection. There are different ways to achieve this. We will see, as an example below, a way to attach request scoped subscribers.

Click to see the example!
// modules/product/attachSubscriber.middleware.ts

import { Express, NextFunction, Response } from 'express';
import {
    Utils as MedusaUtils,
} from 'medusa-extender';
import { Connection } from 'typeorm';
import Utils from '@core/utils';
import ProductSubscriber from '@modules/product/subscribers/product.subscriber'; import { Middleware } from "./components.decorator";

@Middleware({ requireAuth: true, routerOptions: [{ method: 'post', path: '/admin/products/' }] })
export class AttachProductSubscribersMiddleware implements MedusaMiddleware {
    private app: Express;
    private hasBeenAttached = false;
    public static get routesOptions(): MedusaRouteOptions {
        return {
            path: '/admin/products/',
            method: 'post',
    public consume(
        options: { app: Express }
    ): (req: MedusaAuthenticatedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => void | Promise<void> { =;
        const attachIfNeeded = (routeOptions: MedusaRouteOptions): void => {
            if (!this.hasBeenAttached) {
       MedusaAuthenticatedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction): void => {
                    if (Utils.isExpectedRoute([routeOptions], req)) {
                        const { connection } = req.scope.resolve(MEDUSA_RESOLVER_KEYS.manager) as { connection: Connection };
                        MedusaUtils.attachOrReplaceEntitySubscriber(connection, ProductSubscriber);
                    return next();
                this.hasBeenAttached = true;
        return (req: MedusaAuthenticatedRequest, res: Response, next: NextFunction): void => {
            const routeOptions = AttachProductSubscribersMiddleware.routesOptions;
            return next();

Now, you only need to add that middleware to the previous module we've created.

Click to see the example!
// modules/products/myModule.module.ts

import { Module } from 'medusa-extender';
import { Product } from './product.entity';
import { ProductRouter } from './product.router';
import { CustomMiddleware } from './custom.middleware';
import ProductRepository from './product.repository';
import ProductService from './product.service';
import AddFieldToProduct1611063162649 from './product.20211126000001-add-field-to-product';
import { AttachProductSubscribersMiddleware } from './attachSubscriber.middleware'

    imports: [
export class MyModule {}

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