Implementation of the algorithm presented in the paper titled "PHiFL-TL: Personalized Hierarchical Federated Learning using Transfer Learning" with Tensorflow.
Here is one example to run this code (IID MNIST Scenario):
dataset="mnist" flag1=1 model="cnn1" batch_size=32 communication_round=6 epochs=20 num_edge_aggregation=4 num_edges=3 num_clients=30 fraction_clients=0.5 lr=0.01 val_ratio=0.1 image_shape=(28,28,1) lr=0.00001 # for Transfer learning phase
Here is one example to run this code (non-IID MNIST Scenario):
dataset="mnist" flag1=3 k1=4 k2=2 model="cnn1" batch_size=32 communication_round=6 epochs=20 num_edge_aggregation=4 num_edges=3 num_clients=30 fraction_clients=0.5 lr=0.01 val_ratio=0.1 image_shape=(28,28,1) lr=0.00001 # for Transfer learning phase
Here is one example to run this code (non-IID FEMNIST Scenario):
dataset="femnist" num_labels=20 # number classes of 62 classes train_size=21000 test_size=9000 label_reduce=12 model="cnn1" batch_size=32 communication_round=6 epochs=20 num_edge_aggregation=4 num_edges=3 num_clients=30 fraction_clients=0.5 lr=0.01 val_ratio=0.25 image_shape=(28,28,1) lr=0.001 # for Transfer learning phase
You need to create the following folders where the program is located: results\global_models
, results\edges_models\itr_i
(i : 1 to communication_round) and results\fig
If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:
title={PHiFL-TL: Personalized Hierarchical Federated Learning using Transfer Learning},
author={Afzali, Afsaneh and Shamsinejadbabaki, Pirooz},
journal={Future Generation Computer Systems},