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dep: add Ctx.SetPaths() ctx.DetectProjectGOPATH()
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*Ctx.SetPaths() takes the working directory and any number of strings
representing GOPATHs. If no GOPATHs are passed, it will read the
environment variables to detect the GOPATH. Otherwise, it will fallback
to defaultGOPATH().

*Ctx.DetectProjectGOPATH() take a *dep.Project and attempts to detect
the containing GOPATH for the project from Ctx.GOPATHs.

Signed-off-by: Ibrahim AshShohail <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
ibrasho committed Jun 14, 2017
1 parent 929ef28 commit cd9bea6
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Showing 4 changed files with 121 additions and 140 deletions.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions cmd/dep/init.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,9 +79,12 @@ func (cmd *initCommand) Run(ctx *dep.Ctx, args []string) error {

p, err := dep.NewProject(root)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "resolve project root")
} else if ctx.GOPATH == "" {
return errors.New("project not within a GOPATH")
return errors.Wrap(err, "NewProject")

ctx.GOPATH, err = ctx.DetectProjectGOPATH(p)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "ctx.DetectProjectGOPATH")

mf := filepath.Join(root, dep.ManifestName)
Expand Down
63 changes: 6 additions & 57 deletions cmd/dep/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import (

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,16 +143,14 @@ func (c *Config) Run() (exitCode int) {

// Set up the dep context.
gopaths := getGOPATHs(c.Env)
if len(gopaths) == 0 {
errLogger.Println("no default GOPATH available")
exitCode = 1
// Set up dep context.
ctx := &dep.Ctx{
Out: outLogger,
Err: errLogger,
Verbose: *verbose,

// Set up dep context.
ctx := dep.NewContext(c.WorkingDir, gopaths, outLogger, errLogger, *verbose)

// Run the command with the post-flag-processing args.
if err := cmd.Run(ctx, fs.Args()); err != nil {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -229,50 +225,3 @@ func parseArgs(args []string) (cmdName string, printCmdUsage bool, exit bool) {
return cmdName, printCmdUsage, exit

// getGOPATH returns the GOPATHs from the passed environment variables.
// If GOPATH is not defined, fallback to defaultGOPATH().
func getGOPATHs(env []string) []string {
GOPATH := getEnv(env, "GOPATH")
if GOPATH == "" {
GOPATH = defaultGOPATH()

return filepath.SplitList(GOPATH)

// getEnv returns the last instance of an environment variable.
func getEnv(env []string, key string) string {
for i := len(env) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := env[i]
kv := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if kv[0] == key {
if len(kv) > 1 {
return kv[1]
return ""
return ""

// defaultGOPATH gets the default GOPATH that was added in 1.8
// copied from go/build/build.go
func defaultGOPATH() string {
env := "HOME"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
} else if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" {
env = "home"
if home := os.Getenv(env); home != "" {
def := filepath.Join(home, "go")
if def == runtime.GOROOT() {
// Don't set the default GOPATH to GOROOT,
// as that will trigger warnings from the go tool.
return ""
return def
return ""
143 changes: 90 additions & 53 deletions context.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (

Expand All @@ -25,19 +26,21 @@ type Ctx struct {
Verbose bool // Enables more verbose logging.

// NewContext creates a struct containing path information and loggers.
func NewContext(wd string, gopaths []string, out, err *log.Logger, verbose bool) *Ctx {
ctx := &Ctx{
WorkingDir: wd,
Out: out,
Err: err,
Verbose: verbose,
// SetPaths creates a struct containing path information and loggers.
func (c *Ctx) SetPaths(wd string, GOPATHs ...string) error {
if wd == "" {
return errors.New("cannot set Ctx.WorkingDir to an empty path")
for _, gp := range gopaths {
ctx.GOPATHs = append(ctx.GOPATHs, filepath.ToSlash(gp))
c.WorkingDir = wd

if len(GOPATHs) == 0 {
GOPATHs = getGOPATHs(os.Environ())
for _, gp := range GOPATHs {
c.GOPATHs = append(c.GOPATHs, filepath.ToSlash(gp))

return ctx
return nil

func (c *Ctx) SourceManager() (*gps.SourceMgr, error) {
Expand All @@ -62,9 +65,7 @@ func (c *Ctx) LoadProject() (*Project, error) {
return nil, err

// The path may lie within a symlinked directory, resolve the path
// before moving forward
p.AbsRoot, c.GOPATH, err = c.ResolveProjectRootAndGOPATH(p.AbsRoot)
c.GOPATH, err = c.DetectProjectGOPATH(p)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,60 +117,49 @@ func (c *Ctx) LoadProject() (*Project, error) {
return p, nil

// ResolveProjectRootAndGOPATH evaluates the project root and the containing GOPATH
// by doing the following:
// If path isn't a symlink and is within a GOPATH, path and its GOPATH are returned.
// DetectProjectGOPATH attempt to find the GOPATH containing the project by doing the following:
// If p.AbsRoot isn't a symlink and is within a GOPATH, p.AbsRoot and its GOPATH are returned.
// If path is a symlink not within any GOPATH and resolves to a directory within a
// GOPATH, the resolved path and its GOPATH are returned.
// ResolveProjectRootAndGOPATH will return an error in the following cases:
// If p.ResolvedAbsRoot is different than p.AbsRoot, it assumes that p.AbsRoot is a symlink.
// If path is not a symlink and it's not within any GOPATH.
// If both path and the directory it resolves to are not within any GOPATH.
// If path is a symlink within a GOPATH, an error is returned.
// If both path and the directory it resolves to are within the same GOPATH.
// If path and the directory it resolves to are each within a different GOPATH.
func (c *Ctx) ResolveProjectRootAndGOPATH(path string) (string, string, error) {
pgp, pgperr := c.detectGOPATH(path)

if sym, err := fs.IsSymlink(path); err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "IsSymlink")
} else if !sym {
// If path is not a symlink and detectGOPATH() failed, then we assume that path is not
// within a known GOPATH.
if pgperr != nil {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("project root %v not within a GOPATH", path)
return path, pgp, nil
// DetectProjectGOPATH will return an error in the following cases:
// If p.AbsRoot is not a symlink and is not within any known GOPATH.
// If neither p.AbsRoot or p.ResolvedAbsRoot are within a known GOPATH.
// If both p.AbsRoot and p.ResolvedAbsRoot are within the same GOPATH.
// If p.AbsRoot and p.ResolvedAbsRoot are each within a different GOPATH.
func (c *Ctx) DetectProjectGOPATH(p *Project) (string, error) {
pGOPATH, perr := c.detectGOPATH(p.AbsRoot)

// If p.AbsRoot is a not symlink, attempt to detect GOPATH for p.AbsRoot only.
if p.AbsRoot == p.ResolvedAbsRoot {
return pGOPATH, perr

resolved, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path)
if err != nil {
return "", "", errors.Wrap(err, "resolveProjectRoot")
rGOPATH, rerr := c.detectGOPATH(p.ResolvedAbsRoot)

rgp, rgperr := c.detectGOPATH(resolved)
if pgperr != nil && rgperr != nil {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("path %s resolved to %s, both are not within any GOPATH", path, resolved)
// If detectGOPATH() failed for both p.AbsRoot and p.ResolvedAbsRoot, then both are not within any known GOPATHs.
if perr != nil && rerr != nil {
return "", errors.Errorf("both %s and %s are not within any known GOPATH", p.AbsRoot, p.ResolvedAbsRoot)

// If pgp equals rgp, then both are within the same GOPATH.
if pgp == rgp {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("path %s resolved to %s, both are in the same GOPATH %s", path, resolved, pgp)
// If pGOPATH equals rGOPATH, then both are within the same GOPATH.
return "", errors.Errorf("both %s and %s are in the same GOPATH %s", p.AbsRoot, p.ResolvedAbsRoot, pGOPATH)

// path and resolved are within different GOPATHs
if pgp != "" && rgp != "" && pgp == rgp {
return "", "", errors.Errorf("path %s resolved to %s, each is in a different GOPATH", path, resolved)
if pGOPATH != "" && rGOPATH != "" {
return "", errors.Errorf("%s and %s are both in different GOPATHs", p.AbsRoot, p.ResolvedAbsRoot)

// Otherwise, either the symlink or the resolved path is within a GOPATH.
if pgp == "" {
return resolved, rgp, nil
// Otherwise, either the p.AbsRoot or p.ResolvedAbsRoot is within a GOPATH.
if pGOPATH == "" {
return rGOPATH, nil
return path, pgp, nil

return pGOPATH, nil

// detectGOPATH detects the GOPATH for a given path from ctx.GOPATHs.
Expand All @@ -193,7 +183,7 @@ func (c *Ctx) SplitAbsoluteProjectRoot(path string) (string, error) {
srcprefix := filepath.Join(c.GOPATH, "src") + string(filepath.Separator)
if fs.HasFilepathPrefix(path, srcprefix) {
if len(path) <= len(srcprefix) {
return "", errors.New("dep does not currently support using GOPATH/src as the project root.")
return "", errors.New("dep does not currently support using GOPATH/src as the project root")

// filepath.ToSlash because we're dealing with an import path now,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,3 +267,50 @@ func contains(a []string, b string) bool {
return false

// getGOPATH returns the GOPATHs from the passed environment variables.
// If GOPATH is not defined, fallback to defaultGOPATH().
func getGOPATHs(env []string) []string {
GOPATH := getEnv(env, "GOPATH")
if GOPATH == "" {
GOPATH = defaultGOPATH()

return filepath.SplitList(GOPATH)

// getEnv returns the last instance of an environment variable.
func getEnv(env []string, key string) string {
for i := len(env) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := env[i]
kv := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if kv[0] == key {
if len(kv) > 1 {
return kv[1]
return ""
return ""

// defaultGOPATH gets the default GOPATH that was added in 1.8
// copied from go/build/build.go
func defaultGOPATH() string {
env := "HOME"
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
} else if runtime.GOOS == "plan9" {
env = "home"
if home := os.Getenv(env); home != "" {
def := filepath.Join(home, "go")
if def == runtime.GOROOT() {
// Don't set the default GOPATH to GOROOT,
// as that will trigger warnings from the go tool.
return ""
return def
return ""

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