Professor at National Taiwan University doing research at the crossroad of music information research, machine learning, and affective computing.
National Taiwan University
- Tapiei
- @affige_yang
- in/yihsuan
genmusic_demo_list Public
a list of demo websites for automatic music generation research
DeepMIR Public
Teaching material for the course "Deep Learning for Music Analysis and Generation" I taught at National Taiwan University (2023 Fall)
conferencereport Public
Forked from ismir2021/conferencereportpost conference report for ISMIR 2021
TeX MIT License UpdatedMar 31, 2022 -
pop-music-highlighter Public
Forked from remyhuang/pop-music-highlightercode for music highlight extraction
musegan Public
Forked from salu133445/museganAn AI for Music Generation
proNet-core Public
Forked from cnclabs/smoreA general-purpose network embedding framework: pair-wise representations optimization Network