Google (NYC) • PhD @ UMD
University of Maryland
- College Park
- @afloresvz
- Public
Forked from alshedivat/al-folioA beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
geometry-api-java Public
Forked from Esri/geometry-api-javaThe Esri Geometry API for Java enables developers to write custom applications for analysis of spatial data. This API is used in the Esri GIS Tools for Hadoop and other 3rd-party data processing so…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 10, 2016 -
Graphium Public
Load, manage, and traverse RDF graphs with an easy-to-use Java API, build over Neo4j and Sparksee API's.
DensestSubgraph-COMAD2014 Public
Densest Subgraph implementation for COMAD 2014
C++ UpdatedNov 3, 2014 -
BioMeta-InstanceSelection Public
Using bio-inspired metaheuristics (GGA, SGA, PBIL, CHC and PSO) to solve the Instance Selection problem.
C UpdatedSep 5, 2014 -
Tutorial-GraphDB Public
Hands-On material for the Tutorial on Semantic Data Management Techniques in Graph Databases