The Arktika FPGA is an open-source FPGA development board based on the ICE40 family (ICE40HX4K-TQ144).
- 78 total user digital IO pins
- 18 arduino uno compatible headers
- 6 PMOD connectors (40 total pins)
- 2x10pin
- 2x6pin
- 2x4pin
- 18pin additional "EXT" connector
- Buzzer connector
- 4 analog input channels
- MCP3204 ADC
- 8 on-board LEDs
- 8 on-board DIP switches
- 4 on-board push buttons
- USB to UART bridge
- 50Mhz active crystal oscillator
- FT232hl USB bridge
- Used for FPGA or flash programming
- Breakout header for external use
- V1.0
- Flash CS line not connected (typo on net name)
- Arduino connector mirrores (inteded for a shield and not the arduino footprint)
- Wrong usb to uart bridge footprint (the footprint is correct, but it is not for the intended version of the IC)
- 27/09/20 (up to)
- Finishing PCB design
- Tested toolchain with some examples
Q: What is arktika?