afrimapr was funded through the Wellcome Open Research Fund and Wellcome Data for Science and Health between January 2020 - July 2021.
The project continued to run monthly community meetups with support from Talarify, beyond conclusion of the funding cycle.
All activity and development was stopped at the beginning of 2023 but repositories remain openly available,lesson materials are still being used, and we continue to explore ways to support our community through incorporating them into other existing initiatives such as RSSE Africa and others.
afrimapr will create R building blocks and learning resources to make it easier to make data-driven maps in Africa.
The created resources will be promoted in Africa and beyond to initiate a community of users and developers to maintain and improve them.
The R building blocks will make it easier to perform spatial data management tasks that should be straightforward, but seldom are, including: summarising data by administrative regions of different levels; joining and displaying data referenced by administrative region names; access to environmental, socio-economic and health data and displaying data in static maps and interactive web applications.
Components will be designed for ease of use to target new users of R.
We will run workshops in Liverpool, Ethiopia, Malawi and South Africa trialling and promoting resources.
We hope to build various communities around the building blocks:
- developers who can contribute to the R code, expand functionality, and make the tools sustainable
- users who can try the software out in real live settings, tell us what features they would like to see, and write scripts utilising the afrimapr building blocks in their own contexts and countries
- instructors who can help to teach others to use the afrimapr building blocks
You can get involved by:
- adding an issue to our Suggestions & Requests repository
- finding an issue to work on from our Suggestions & Requests repository
- getting in touch via our Google Groups email at [email protected]
- following us on Twitter or Tweet at us @afrimapr
- visit our website at
We look forward to be working with you!