Aurora Platform is an open-source solution for creation collaboration web apps, such as your own cloud storage, webmail client, calendar, hepdesk application or all at once. The application can be accessed from web browser or by standalone clients. For example, File Storage can be accessed using native clients for Windows, iOS and Android operating systems. You can use even third-party WebDAV clients.
During installation process you will need:
Note! Version of npm above 3 is required
Clone of Aurora Platform into your installation root directory
Run composer installation process by running the following from command line:
php composer.phar install
NB: It is strongly advised to run composer as non-root user. Otherwise, third-party scripts will be run with root permissions and composer issues a warning that it's not safe. We recommend running the script as the same user web server runs under.
Next, you need to build static files for the current module set. First of all, install all npm dependencies via
npm install
then install the dependencies required for adminpanel to work
cd modules/AdminPanelWebclient/vue npm install npm install -g @quasar/cli
or you can execute all the actions mentioned above by using the following command
chmod +x ./ -t npm
Now you can build static files. Run the following commands in main directory
npm run styles:build --themes=Default,DefaultDark,DeepForest,Funny,Sand npm run js:build npm run js:min
and build adminpanel
cd modules/AdminPanelWebclient/vue npm run build-production
or use all-in-one command
./ -t build
Now you are ready to open a URL pointing to the installation directory in your favorite web browser.
Upon installing the product, you'll need to configure your installation. Use instruction from any product of Aurora family, for example, configuration of Aurora Files.
Make sure data directory is writable by web server. For example:
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/aurora/data
It is strongly recommended to runs the product under https. If you run it under http, the majority of features will still be available, but some functionality aspects, such as authentication with Google account, won't work.
To enable automatic redirect from http to https, set RedirectToHttps to On in data/settings/config.json file.
Protecting data directory
All configuration files of the application and user data are stored in data directory, so it's important to protect data directory to make sure that users cannot access that directory over the Internet directly.