We saw the problem and thought to connect people with local seller
It connects buyers with local sellers as people are not able to go out and they local sellers are facing problems as they are not able to sell products, so to give their business a start and help them in this tough time we tried to create an app which will connect buyer with local seller and it will be a mutual benefit. What makes it different is that we just ask for location of user and buyer and user uploads the image of what he wants and if seller is having that product then they can conect with each other. It is just a connecting link with zero profit and just to help people in need.
We built it using Xcode for Ios platform.
we face problem with uploading images using firebase and secondly the person responsible for firebase got some serious health problems because of which we could not fully implement our project. And then we tried as much as we could to complete it but were unable to.
We are proud that we learnt to use firebase and being our second hackathon we were able to use Xcode for the very first time and yes the biggest accomplishment is we were able to make something to do something and learn something in this hackathon
We learned how to use Xcode, Swift language basics and team work which is the most important thing. Being online it was a challenge but yes we did it.
Next we are planning to complete it fully and we are pretty sure that we this can prove to be a good solution for sellers as in this pandemic business has been affected badly.
Swift Xcode Firebase