A toolkit for using MongoDB with Clojure.
Added a few convenience fns related to object-ids:
'object-id: creates a com.mongodb.ObjectId from a string so
you don't have to import it anymore.
'fetch-by-id: takes a collection and a string/object-id and
fetches the result
'get-timestamp: takes a map with a valid :_id or an ObjectId and returns the embedded timestamp
GridFs support courtesy of Steve Purcell.
Bumped version to 0.1.2.
Clojars group is now congomongo.
note: The .java bits are likely to disappear once Clojure 1.2 is stable.
CongoMongo is essentially two parts.
One is the ClojureDBObject class written in java. It extends the BasicDBObject class with two methods (putClojure, toClojure) and a convenience constructor.
It is basically a close-to-the-metal wrapper around the mongo-java-driver's
BasicDBObject class to handle coercions (keyword->string and nested structures)
while offering similar performance to the BasicDBObject class itself.
The rest is a Clojure api for the mongo-java-driver.
(ns my-mongo-app
(:use somnium.congomongo))
:db "mydb")
(insert! :robots
{:name "robby"}
(def my-robot (fetch-one :robots)) => #'user/my-robot
my-robot => { :name "robby",
:_id #<ObjectId> "0c23396f7e53e34a4c8cf400">,
:_ns "robots"}
(update! :robots my-robot (merge my-robot { :name "asimo" }))
=> { :name "asimo" ,
:_id #<ObjectId> "0c23396f7e53e34a4c8cf400"> ,
:_ns : "robots" }
(destroy! my-robot) => nil
(fetch :robots) => ()
(for [x (range 100) y (range 100)]
{:x x
:y y
:z (* x y)}))
=> nil
(fetch-count :points)
=> 10000
:where {:x {:$gt 10
:$lt 20}
:y 42
:z {:$gt 500}})
=> {:x 12, :y 42, :z 504, :_ns "points", :_id ... }
(fetch-one :points
:as :json)
=> "{ \"_id\" : \"0c23396ffe79e34a508cf400\" ,
\"x\" : 0 , \"y\" : 0 , \"z\" : 0 , \"_ns\" : \"points\"}"
Leiningen is the recommended way to use congomongo. Just add [congomongo "0.1.2-SNAPSHOT"] to your project.clj and do $lein deps to get congomongo and all of its dependencies.
- convenient dsl for advanced queries/features
- orm-like schemas/validations?
CongoMongo is a work in progress. If you've used, improved, or abused it I'd love to hear about it. Contact me at [email protected]