Merlin is a command line tool that recommends movies you based on whatever you tell him. It uses the TMDb API and is build using the Click library. It is written in python 2.7.
Commands -
merlin --help - Reveals the help text
merlin - Kickstarts the recommender
Various options that can be used after merlin comes into action -
-Pick a language - Default is English, you can allow select movies from all languages to be searched
Pick a Genre You have to enter a comma separated list of genres from the provided list
Pick a Year Movies released after or during this year will be picked.
Pick the Cast Enter name of the actor/actress
Pick the Crew Again a name, this time you can pick the Director/Producer/Editor etc
Not picking anything will give you a list of popular Movies right now.
You are free to choose or not to choose any of the above options.