Google's facenet implementation in pytorch for face identification
- root
- --datasets
- --custom_images
- --class_label1
- --image1 ' ' '
- --class_label1
- --custom_images
- --models
- --datasets
- : implements inception_resnet_v1 in pytorch
functions() : load_weights(model, dname)
-model to load the weights to -dname : 'vggface2' / 'casia-webface2', pretrained weights to load : get_torch_home() -storing pretrained weights in the cache folder created in the home path it helps to restore the weights if available in the cache, otherwise download them
- : implements TripletLoss class -computes the triplet loss on anchor, positive and negative images
- : implements the training module for inception resnet
functions() : train_inception(dataloader, batch_size, net, criterion, optimizer, use_gpu, num_epochs)
-training the inception_resnet module using triplet loss
- : implements tripletselection class
functions() : init()
: tripletSelection() -loading batch of images and labels, creating a dictionary of key:value pairs key: class label value: list of indexes of image of key label -computing triplet loss for loaded anchor images from dataloader, selected positives and negatives from grouping dictionary
- : utility functions for the module
functions() : infer(model, image)
-model -image outputs: feature vector of inception module : load_dataset(root, batchsize, shuffle) -generate a dataloader : arg_parse() parser to provide command line inputs --rootdir : root directory containing images to train (eg: 'datasets/custom_images') --lrin : learning rate for inception resnet module --lrcl : learning rate for classification module --bs : batch size for training --epochs : number of epochs for training --train : 1 for training/ 0 for evaluation
- : main file
$ python --lr 0.05 --bs 8 --train 1 --check 0 --ep 100 --train-module inception --rootdir datasets/custom_images
$ python --lr 0.05 --bs 8 --train 1 --check 1 --ep 100 --train-module inception --rootdir datasets/custom_images
$ python --lr 0.001 --bs 16 --train 1 --check 0 --ep 50 --train-module classification --rootdir datasets/custom_images
$ python --lr 0.001 --bs 16 --train 1 --check 0 --ep 50 --train-module classification --rootdir datasets/custom_images
$ python --train 0
github's repo: akshaybahadur21/Facial-Recognition-using-Facenet
Google's Facenet paper
The inception resnet module is loaded using either 'casia-webface2' pretrained model or 'vggface2' pretrained inception resnet model, which can be selected at the time of initialising the model using the attribute "pretrained".
The project is build for learning purposes and the custom images has been taken with due permission of my friends for a demo use case only. For all other practical purposes, this dataset must be avoided and instead other custom images must be used.
"I thank my fellow colleagues for allowing me to use their images for demo purposes"