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Web path discovery
Discover with ProSecFuzz hidden files and directories on a web server.
Needless to mention, please use this tool very very carefully. The authors won't be responsible for any consequences.
go get https://github.com/Proviesec/PSFuzz
go install github.com/Proviesec/PSFuzz@latest
- the Wordlist is a text file, each line is a path.
- Here you get suitable lists: https://github.com/Proviesec/directory-payload-list
Example:-u https://www.google.com
Example:-o google_output
Default: output.txt-d
Example:-d list.txt
Default is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Proviesec/directory-payload-list/main/directory-full-list.txt-s
Example:-s true
Default:false only Status Code 200-c
Example:-c 5
Example:-fscn 404
Don't show response status code 404-fsc
Example:-fsc 200,301
Show only response status code 200 and 301-fl
Example:-fl 122,1234,1235,1236
or-fl 122,1234-1236
Show only the response with this length (or length range)-fln
Example:-fln 122,1234,1235,1236
or-fln 122,1234-1236
Show not this response with this length (or length range)-fm
Example:-fm admin
Example:-rah Host:
Example:-b true
-> bypass status code: 401,402,403-g
Example:-g 100
-> generate a,aa,ab,abc,aaa,abb,bbc-od
Example:-od true
Show only domains in the outputfile (no status code)-t
Example:-t true
make a test request and check if any other request has the same length, if yes, then skip the result for this requestfws
Example:-fws true
- Don´t show: in title: "Access Gateway", "Not Found", "Error"/"ERROR", "403", "Bad Request" ,"Forbidden", "500", "Internal Server Error" and body length <= 1
go run main.go -url https://www.google.com/ -d dir-full.txt -c 2 -o testest -s true -fscn 404,301,302
go run main.go -url https://www.google.com/ -d dir-full.txt -c 2 -o googletest -s true -fl 122,1565-1569 -fln 1566-1568
- Multi requests
- Optional param output
- check https or http
- Logo and Version output
- Tryhackme room
- help mode (-h)
- check backslah
- optional config file
- load config
- save config
- json file
- config for "dont show" in title/body
- Proxy
- throttle
- detect "too many requests"
- Output
- Json
- Progress bar
- list of sites
- Parameter
- random payload generator
- choice of dirlist from proviesec github repo
- subdomain list from proviesec github repo
- Port List
- Length
- Length range show and not show
- Response Status List show
- Response Status Range show
- Response Status List not show
- Response Status Range not show
- Filter content type
- Words match list title/page
- Set Optional Header
- scan subdirs with depth (list: admin/public/static)
- exclude subdirs (list: js/img)
- add default-extensions (yml,php,aspx,jsp,html,js)
- lowercase
- uppercase
- Min response-size
- Max response-size
- Set request Timeout
- Add Cookies
- quite Mode
- random user-agent
- show only the urls
- add user agent
- username /password basic Auth
- make GET requests
- make put request
- make POST requests
- Wordlist txt parameter
- Wildcard parameter
- List of URLs
- depth by dir
- Word list
- Automatic Word list for any file html,txt, php..
- payload generator, include, start or end with specific word and max length
- file ending as parameter list
- get list from any url
- get list from proviesec github account default
- multiple word lists
- Automatic Word list for any file html,txt, php..
- Crlf scan
- open redirect scan
- fuzzing parameter (from a-z)
- fuzzing http verbs
- Wordlist formats, upper lower
- show response status
- count words
- show response time
- show lines
- dump the response in files
- Fingerprint Software (Wordpress/php/java/Apache/nginx etc.)
- CORS analyse
- bypass
- 403 Bypass, config
- Status bypass
- Words match list title/page/header
- output the match line
- Show positiv false: status 200, but title 404
- Show possible block response, after x requests "403 or too many request"
- Show possible false 200, same length of a random site
- Show confident value, if the folder/file not in the response
- Intilligence
- Automatically detect false 200 (really 404)
- too many rediretcs and then restart again, with the exclusion of
- Show the most unique target
- Show titel of Page
- Show Response Body Length
- filter possibile 404
- show content type
- Fingerprint check
- fuzz Parameter check (normal Response vs. with paramter)
- show reflected cookie
- show reflected params
- show reflected base64 params
- search for interesting strings
- compare two scans
- save scan
- load scan
- Redirect handler - 301... -> Can be activated via parameter
- Show Redirect URL
- Skip Status filter if redirect true (via parameter)
go run main.go -url https://www.google.com -d list.txt -s true -c 2