Just a simple blog that allows you to create news, edit and delete, in a responsive web made as a code challenge during the interview process for the company WillDom
These instructions will allow you to get a copy of the project running on your local machine for development purposes.
The project was made with Rails+React and PostgresSQL, so you need to have installed Nodejs, Yarn, Ruby, the gem bundler and PostgreSQL before the "bundle install" and "yarn install" command. If you dont have installed yet some of then please check this link Go Rails, that would help you to be ready for coding.
After clone the repo, take a look in your config/database.yml and modify the credential like you have in your local database.
Then just run
bundle install
after a little while, lets create the database for development purpose
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
The command before just add some initial data for your database, you are free now to go and just run
rails s
If you want make some changes, go the app/javascript directory, the main file is App.js who is in components/App.js.
If you want deploy, you can use Heroku, is free and is the fastest way to do it, or you can follow the instructions of this linkGoRails deployto deploy in a local machine or in a specialize service like AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean,etc...
- Rails - MVC Framework.
- React - Frontend Library
- Yarn - Dependecies Manager
- PosgresSQL
- FontAwesome - Icon Library
- Andrea - UI template from colorlib
This project is under the license LICENSE.md
- Thank you for your time, at be at this point of readme. π’
- Thank you WillDom for this opportunity and special Lorenzo and Rodrigo
- Admin view just for logged users
- Change route link from login to logout
- Sign up view
- Fix burger menu error
- 404, 500 error page
- UI update
- Article view
- Editor section
- Add state for the entries
- Upload local images
Authentication with jwt devise for login, logout and sign up