Polly Public
Forked from App-vNext/PollyPolly is a .NET resilience and transient-fault-handling library that allows developers to express policies such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback in a fluent and …
C# BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 14, 2024 -
FluentValidation Public
Forked from FluentValidation/FluentValidationA popular .NET validation library for building strongly-typed validation rules.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 13, 2021 -
React web interface for the OpenDota platform
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2020 -
core Public
Forked from odota/coreOpen source Dota 2 data platform
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
vscode-sqltools Public
Forked from mtxr/vscode-sqltoolsDatabase management for VSCode
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedDec 19, 2019 -
react-multi-select Public
Forked from kenshoo/react-multi-selectA Multi Select component built with and for React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 31, 2019 -
mobile Public
Forked from odota/mobileReact Native apps for viewing Dota 2 data on Android/iOS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 13, 2019 -
guava Public
Forked from google/guavaGoogle core libraries for Java
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 10, 2019 -
dotaconstants Public
Forked from odota/dotaconstantsConstant data for Dota applications
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2019 -
OpenRA Public
Forked from OpenRA/OpenRAOpen Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X.
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
first-contributions Public
Forked from firstcontributions/first-contributions🚀✨ Help beginners contribute to open source projects
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 24, 2018 -