15puzzle.py is a Python script that implements the classic 15-puzzle game. It uses the Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) algorithm to find a solution to a given board state. The board is represented as a 1D list and shuffled randomly at the beginning of the game.
Randomly generates an initial board of NxN size.
Uses the Manhattan distance heuristic for optimizing the IDA* algorithm.
Displays the initial board, the solution path, and the time taken to solve.
Python 3.x
random module (built-in)
time module (built-in)
Running the Script
To execute the script, simply run the following command in your terminal:
python 15puzzle.py
You will be prompted to enter the board size (N for an NxN board).
Example Output
Enter the board size (N for NxN): 4
Random Initial Board:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 0
Solution found: [14, 15, ...]
generateRandomBoard(boardSize, numMoves=70)
Generates a random board by making numMoves random moves on a solved board.
printBoard(board, boardSize)
Displays the board in a human-readable format.
isGoal(board, boardSize)
Checks if the current board is in the goal state.
manhattanDistance(board, boardSize)
Calculates the Manhattan distance heuristic for a given board.
manhattanDelta(board, oldIndex, newIndex, boardSize)
Calculates the change in Manhattan distance after a single move.
dfs(board, g, bound, zeroIndex, h, path)
Performs a depth-first search up to a certain bound, updating the path list with the solution steps if found.
idaStar(board, boardSize)
Uses IDA* algorithm to find a solution path for the puzzle.
The program's performance might decline for larger board sizes.