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(ICCV2017) Tensorflow implementation of Representation Learning by Learning to Count

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Learning to Count

This is an Unofficial Tensorflow implementation of Representation Learning by Learning to Count (Lrn-Cnt). Lrn-Cnt is a self-supervised visual representation approach. Lrn-Cnt is published 2017; it no longer achieves SOTA results. However, it is simple approach that serves as a nice tutorial for self-supervised learning approaches. Lrn-Cnt is illustrated in this blog.


The alexnet used is here. This alexnet version is inspired by Zhang et al. [2]. The self-supervised representation count loss is here. The supervised linear classifier loss is here


  • Python 3+ [Tested on 3.6.10]
  • Tensorflow 1.X [Tested on 1.14]
  • TensorPack [Tested on 0.10.1]
  • Nvidia-DALI [Tested on 0.20.0]
  • Nvidia-DALI-Plugin [Tested on 0.20.0]

We use cuda 10.0.130 and cudnn v7.6.5

Our TensorFlow model and loss function are simple. However, to train it efficiently, we needed to use TensorPack and Nvidia-DALI libraries. If linking these libraries is challenging, feel free to remove them from the code and use Tensorflow only (e.g., The requirements.txt lists all our install packages and their versions.

Usage example

To run the unsupervised representation-count phase

python --batch_size 256 --exp_name cnt_gpu4_bz256_adam_250 --net alexnet --learning_rate 0.0001 --gpu 0,1,2,3 --logits_dim 1000 --opt adam --epoch 250 --learning_rate_var_name lr_cnt

To run the supervised linear-classifier phase

python --exp_name cls_gpu2_bz256_adam_250 --pretrained --cnt_exp_name cnt_gpu4_bz256_adam_250 --batch_size 256 --learning_rate 0.001 --opt adam --epoch 250 --net alexnet --learning_rate_var_nam lr_cls --gpu 0,1

The following table compares our implementation with the paper results.

ImageNet Performance conv1 conv2 conv3 conv4 conv5
Mehdi et at. [1] (Table. 2) 18.0 30.6 34.3 32.5 25.7
Ours 18.6 30.3 33.6 30.1 24.9

Our implementation performance


  • highlight the image resize issue
  • highlight the I/O performance issue
  • Document the discrepancy between the paper and our implementation

Contributor list

  1. Ahmed Taha
  2. Alex Hanson
  • We train the unsupervised representation-count phase for 250 epochs and the supervised linear-classifier phase for 250 epochs. This leads to a long training time. If someone has an to converge faster (e.g., a better learning rate scheduler), please share through a Github issue.
  • It would be great if someone re-implement this in PyTorch. Let me know and I will add a link to your PyTorch implementation here

MISC Notes

  • Our implementation is inspired by CLVR's implementation. However, the CLVR's implementation has a serious bug and performance issues that need to be fixed. These issues are discussed here.
  • Our implementation diverges from the paper [1] technical details. We explain this discrepancy here.

Release History

  • 1.0.0
    • First commit on 25 Nov 2020
    • First code commit on 2 Dec 2020


[1] Representation Learning by Learning to Count [2] Colorful image colorization


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