Standard Chartered
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A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility.
A Mantine UI Library Extension component that manages split panes allows users to divide and resize content areas within a layout efficiently.
A fully featured React components library
Linear algebra foundation for the Rust programming language
The library provides basic functions to work with Graphviz dot lang from rust code.
Syntactic analysis toolkit, language-agnostic parser generator.
Utility for FIRST, FOLLOW, PREDICT set generation aiding in custom programming language creation
It's a New Kind of Wrapper for Exposing LLVM (Safely)
Goal: Enable awesome tooling for Bazel users of the C language family.
Apache DataFusion Ballista Distributed Query Engine
Easy continuous integration for Rust projects with Azure Pipelines
A different implementation than `rxRust` for easier use of `ReactiveX` in `Rust`.
A C++ version of SimpleDB originally written in Java by Edward Sciore. The structure of SimpleDB is explained in detail in the book Database Design and Implementation.
emacs.d files for making Emacs a Rust development environment
Color Bandwidth Meter (CBM) - display in real time the network traffic speed
The best coding experience for Racket in VS Code
Rust definitions of the resource types in the Kubernetes client API
Angular 18 & Bootstrap 5 & Material Design UI KIT
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