Welcome to Accio open source inventory system written to simplify all store needs.
- This idea is not new but, Many want to implement web based systems in desktop application actually in windows env. for more speed and reliability
here we use C sharp as a main lang with some dlls and tweaks.
- Here we use Oracle Database through Oracle with (ManagedDataAccess.dll) this library can be used as a connection object and execute all sql commands as string.
What you need to know:.🫡
#1 this SW using database managed dll for oracle version 10g.
#2 you should know how to build all tables to act inside scripts.
#3 working in adding .cs file to handle main SQL commands and quiries.
Very Impertant!
#1 first thing first you must build your database.
#2 I will put down the structure script you may need to change it.
🫳Link to ERD
#3 there is a file called 'params.info' its for intit the current connection.
params.info :
**this file is to initialize the current database connection to make app connect to its server**
**don't try to move lines down or up this will miss the whole file just change data values**
#company_name::Haam Corporation,
- Add params file in the project.
- Convert Scripts.cs to .dll library. (Now migrating to .dll as library to use!) from "using AccioInventory.DBConnection;" to "using AccioOracleKit;"
- Integrade QR code.
- Chart cards usercontrol.