✨ Library to commonly used cross-projects utilities methods ✨
npm install @teteu/utils --save
const utils = require('@teteu/utils');
utils.random(10, 20); // should return a random number between 10 and 20
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
uniqueElements | returns an array with unique elements | (array) | array with unique elements | here |
groupBy | receives an array of objects and returns a grouped by object | (array of literal object, key) | object with keys being the values of array[i][key] | here |
randomizeArray | recieves an array and returns a randomized version of it | (array to randomize) | randomized array | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
sleep | pretty much sleeps until the specified time passes | (time in milliseconds) | Promise | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
replaceTokens | replace tokens in a string based on a custom regular expression | (string, tokens and regex) | new string with tokens replaced | here |
isEmail | validates if the input string is a valid email | (string) | True if the string is a valid email, false otherwise. | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
validBrazilianPhoneNumber | Checks if a string phone number has valid brazilian phone number format | (string phone number) | True if the string is a valid brazilian phone number, false otherwise | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
random | receives a min and max number and returns a random number between them | (min, max) | random number between min-max | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
getGreeting | Returns a greeting based on the current hour of the day | void | greeting string | here |
getCurrentDate | Returns the current date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" | void | current date | here |
getCurrentTime | Returns the current time in the format "HH:MM:SS" | void | current time | here |
getDaysBetweenDates | Calculates the number of days between two given dates | (date1, date2) | number of days between the two dates | here |
formatDateToBrazilianDate | Formats a given date to the Brazilian date format "DD/MM/YYYY" | (date) | formatted date string | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
sanitize | This method recieves an string input and sanitizes removing all SQL injection | (string to sanitize and optionally an object containing the options for sanitization, check Example for better understanding) | sanitized string | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
getDiscountedValue | Calculate the discount amount based on the original price and discount percentage | (price, discount percentage [0 - 100]) | discounted value | here |
applyDiscount | Calculates the discounted price based on the original price and discount percentage | (price, discount percentage) | result of price after discount | here |
Method | What It Does | Parameters | Return | Example |
deepClone | recieves an object and returns a deep clone of it | (object to clone) | cloned object | here |
pick | receives an object and an array of keys and returns a new object with only the keys specified | (source object and array of keys to pick from the source object) | new object with only the keys specified | here |
omit | receives an object and an array of keys and returns a new object without the keys specified | (source object and array of keys to omit from the source object) | new object without the keys specified | here |
Feel free to contribute. Check if we have open issues or request your utility method. Your code here is very welcome 🤝🤝