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To install the classes in your local Python env, run:
pip install -e 'stac_fastapi/elasticsearch[dev]'
Install pre-commit.
Prior to commit, run:
pre-commit run --all-files
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
By default, docker-compose uses Elasticsearch 8.x. However, most recent 7.x versions should also work.
If you wish to use a different version, put the following in a
file named .env
in the same directory you run docker-compose from:
To create a new Collection:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8080/collections" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"id": "my_collection"
Note: this "Collections Transaction" behavior is not part of the STAC API, but may be soon.
make test
make ingest
Mappings apply to search index, not source.
This section covers how to create a snapshot repository and then create and restore snapshots with this.
Create a snapshot repository. This puts the files in the elasticsearch/snapshots
in this git repo clone, as
the elasticsearch.yml and docker-compose files create a mapping from that directory to
within the Elasticsearch container and grant permissions on using it.
curl -X "PUT" "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_fs_backup" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"type": "fs",
"settings": {
"location": "/usr/share/elasticsearch/snapshots/my_fs_backup"
The next step is to create a snapshot of one or more indices into this snapshot repository. This command creates
a snapshot named my_snapshot_2
and waits for the action to be completed before returning. This can also be done
asynchronously, and queried for status. The indices
parameter determines which indices are snapshotted, and
can include wildcards.
curl -X "PUT" "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_fs_backup/my_snapshot_2?wait_for_completion=true" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"metadata": {
"taken_because": "dump of all items",
"taken_by": "pvarner"
"include_global_state": false,
"ignore_unavailable": false,
"indices": "items_my-collection"
To see the status of this snapshot:
curl http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_fs_backup/my_snapshot_2
To see all the snapshots:
curl http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_fs_backup/_all
To restore a snapshot, run something similar to the following. This specific command will restore any indices that
match items_*
and rename them so that the new index name will be suffixed with -copy
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/my_fs_backup/my_snapshot_2/_restore?wait_for_completion=true" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"include_aliases": false,
"include_global_state": false,
"ignore_unavailable": true,
"rename_replacement": "items_$1-copy",
"indices": "items_*",
"rename_pattern": "items_(.+)"
Now the item documents have been restored in to the new index (e.g., my-collection-copy
), but the value of the
field in those documents is still the original value of my-collection
. To update these to match the
new collection name, run the following Elasticsearch Update By Query command, substituting the old collection name
into the term filter and the new collection name into the script parameter:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:9200/items_my-collection-copy/_update_by_query" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"params": {
"collection": "my-collection-copy"
"source": "ctx._source.collection = params.collection"
Then, create a new collection through the api with the new name for each of the restored indices:
curl -X "POST" "http://localhost:8080/collections" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d $'{
"id": "my-collection-copy"
Voila! You have a copy of the collection now that has a resource URI (/collections/my-collection-copy
) and can be
correctly queried by collection name.