This is the source code associated with the book GPU-Acceleration for Optical Measurement, SPIE Spotlight, under peer review. The details within each project folder are explained as below.
- ch2:
- vec_add.h(.cpp) CPU and GPU implementations of vector addition
- grad_calc.h(.cpp) Pointwise and tiled implementations of image gradient calculation
- ch3:
- Parallel windowed Fourier filtering (WFF) algorithm
- ch4:
- Parallel inverse Compositional Gauss-Newton (IC-GN) algorithm
- Parallelized precomputation for IC-GN
- Helper functions for the above CUDA kernels
- CUDA 8.0 for writing GPU code
- OpenCV 3.1 for convenient image I/O
- Download and install Visual Studio 2015+
- Download and install CUDA 8.0
- Install OpenCV 3.1:
- Download OpenCV 3.1
- Right click "Computer" -> Advanced System Settings -> Advanced -> Environment variables, add a new virable to "System Variables" as
"OPENCV_DIR" with the value
- If you want your program to run directly, add "%OPENCV_DIR%\bin" to the "User Variables" 's "Path".
- Please follow the CUDA programming guide
**Note: Only the "Release" mode was configured in the provided example code.