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Rapid Application Development for Symfony2 [UNMAINTAINED]
Book publishing as easy as it should be (built with Symfony components)
Zend_Form decorators for Twitter's Bootstrap UI
This SDK is deprecated. Find the new SDK here: https://github.com/facebook/facebook-php-sdk-v4
Symfony2 bundle for Ladybug library, the Simple and Extensible PHP Dumper
Integrate Doctrine ORM into the SonataAdminBundle
script - Create symfony 2 project, vhost, modify hosts file, and more
twig.js, flexible, secure, and high-performance templating engine for Javascript
Aplicación de prueba para aprender a programar con Symfony2
Kata del mes de Agosto del 2011: Minesweeper
Symfony Distribution for heavy Javascript applications
Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
(old-legacy) Admingenerator for Symfony2, parse generator.yml files to build classes
A Symfony2 wrapper in Extjs for command line generation . A Easy inteface for Bundle generation, Doctrine Entity(ies) , and CRUD
ahurt2000 / Twig-extensions
Forked from twigphp/Twig-extensionsTwig extensions
A pretty nice way to expose your Symfony translation messages to your client applications.
Aplicación-tutorial de Symfony2 desarrollada durante el primer día de las Jornadas Symfony 2011. Un sitio web ficticio de las propias Jornadas.
Zend Framework (ZF) Boilerplate is a pre-packaged, pre-configured Zend Framework - based blueprint for your enterprise grade PHP application. It combines state-of-the-art tools, frameworks and idea…
Image manipulation using Imagine and Twig Filters
Game where you have to use logic to get your shortest time possible. Demo here:
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file upload…
The first open source crowdfunding platform for creative projects in the world