FastGoat Public
What C# can do for studying Finite Groups, quotient groups, semi-direct products, homomorphisms, automorphisms group, characters table, minimalistic rings and fields manipulations, polynomials fact…
FinitelyPresentedGroup Public archive
Bruteforce algorithm for creating all elements of a group presented by generators and relations.
ToadChaser Public archive
Todd Coxeter Algorithm in CSharp for generating Cosets classes for a Subgroup H of a finitely presented group G by generators and relators
FuriousGenius Public
Small Groups study in Julia
AbelianDecompositon Public
Abelian Finite Groups decomposition
SciMLBook Public
Forked from SciML/SciMLBookParallel Computing and Scientific Machine Learning (SciML): Methods and Applications (MIT 18.337J/6.338J)
AbstractAlgebra.jl Public
Forked from wbhart/AbstractAlgebra.jlGeneric abstract algebra functionality in pure Julia (no C dependencies)
JuliaDataScience Public
Forked from JuliaDataScience/JuliaDataScienceBook on Julia for Data Science
18S191 Public
Forked from mitmath/computational-thinkingCourse 18.S191 at MIT, Spring 2021 - Introduction to computational thinking with Julia:
ChaxGameJS Public archive
East africa traditionnal 2 players board game
FineGrain Public archive
Finite group study, abelians or not, quotient group, direct product and many more...
FiniteGroup Public archive
A simple code to show quickly generated group.
StatisticsWithJuliaPlutoNotebooks.jl Public
Forked from StatisticalRethinkingJulia/StatisticsWithJuliaPlutoNotebooks.jlPluto notebooks accompanying the book Statistics With Julia (https://statisticswithjulia.org).
ChaxGame Public
East africa regional 2 players game
DiscreteProbaStats Public
Samples generations using discrete probability and Kolmogorov-Sirmnov test
DiamondLump Public
Simple MLP / CNN / RNN / LSTM neural-networks implementation in csharp using Intel-MKL-Library.
AutoGradMLP Public
Testing a simple autogradient calculation for a Neural Network
DustLore Public archive
Simple MLP / CNN / RNN neural-networks implementation in csharp. In progress.
ML-From-Scratch Public
Forked from eriklindernoren/ML-From-ScratchMachine Learning From Scratch. Bare bones NumPy implementations of machine learning models and algorithms with a focus on accessibility. Aims to cover everything from linear regression to deep lear…
DesertLand Public
A Deep Learning framework for educative purpose (In Progress)
NumSharp Public
Forked from SciSharp/NumSharpHigh Performance Computation for Tensor in .NET, keep APIs same as NumPy and SciPy.
NDarray Public
Another N-dimensions array in C#