This is auto-posting from a VK group to a telegram channel.
You need:
- apache ;
- php 8.1;
To install, use the command: git clone
Download the necessary libraries using the command: composer install
Or use command composer require aidsoul/vktote
All files for working with groups are located in the "groups" folder.
In the "groups" folder, folder with the files listed below are added. All these files are needed for work. Come up with a name for the folder yourself.
The following example is a true profile group creation:
If necessary, you can change the folder and the name of the files in the configuration file "config.php".
Configuration file "config.ini " should look like this:
token ="Your token"
idGroup="Group id or name"
count="Number of posts to capture"
botApiKey="Bot API Key"
botName="Bot name"
chatId="Chat Id for send post"
The executable file "index.php" should be like this:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
For the convenience of creating group profiles, use the control panel.
Use "localhost" to log in to the control panel. Click on the log in button. The first time you login, a password will be created. You need to remember the password, it will be used to access the control panel. Go to settings "localhost/settings" and create a new group profile by clicking on the "Create a settings profile" button.
The project uses a mysql database.
Import the database file: db.sql
Use crontab on your server or another task scheduler to get fresh posts without stopping.
Open and add a task to the task list: crontab-e
Get fresh entries every minute: * * * * * php /patch for php file
Example of the path to the profile of the "test" group: