This project is a compiler and runtime for executing GLM models on PIM devices. (It is a fork of IREE). A model described in MLIR's StableHLO dialect is taken as input and compiled into code that can operate on a PIM device, and it can be executed by connecting with the SDK through the runtime.
git clone
cd pim-iree
git submodule update --init
Reference: Jsoncpp GitHub
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install jsoncpp
# vcpkg root indicates the directory where you installed vcpkg in the previous step.
cmake -G Ninja -B ../pim-iree-build/ . -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[vcpkg root]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="[vcpkg root]/installed/x64-linux"
cmake --build ../pim-iree-build/
cd pim-iree/PIM-sdk/compiler-artifact/
Input file is a GPT2-125M model described in the StableHLO dialect. The final output of the compiler is a vmfb file, and if you want to check the intermediate result(MLIR), you can modify and use the --compile-to option in
The generated .vmfb file from the compilation is executed to perform PiM simulator execution. Furthermore, it outputs the results of the operations.