Mixed sync-async queue, supposed to be used for communicating between classic synchronous (threaded) code and asynchronous (in terms of asyncio) one.
Like Janus god queue object from the library has two faces: synchronous and asynchronous interfaces.
Synchronous is fully compatible with standard queue, asynchronous one follows asyncio queue design.
import asyncio import janus loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() queue = janus.Queue(loop=loop) def threaded(sync_q): for i in range(100): sync_q.put(i) sync_q.join() @asyncio.coroutine def async_coro(async_q): fut = loop.run_in_executor(None, threaded) for i in range(100): val = yield from async_q.get() assert val == i async_q.task_done() yield from fut loop.run_until_complete(async_coro())
library is offered under Apache 2 license.