This was mainly created just for my own use and education. It's a perceptual hash algorithm, used to find if two images are similar.
pip install PhotoHash
Returns the hash of the image using an average hash algorithm. This algorithm compares each pixel in the image to the average value of all the pixels.:
import photohash hash = photohash.average_hash('/path/to/myimage.jpg')
Returns the hamming distance between the average_hash of the given images.:
import photohash distance = photohash.distance('/path/to/myimage.jpg', '/path/to/myotherimage.jpg')
Returns a boolean of whether or not the photos look similar.:
import photohash similar = photohash.is_look_alike('/path/to/myimage.jpg', '/path/to/myotherimage.jpg')
is_look_alike also takes an optional tolerance argument that defines how strict the comparison should be.:
import photohash similar = photohash.is_look_alike('/path/to/myimage.jpg', '/path/to/myimage.jpg', tolerance=3)
- Add more hash algorithms.