An implementation of genetic algorithm for solving the scheduling problem in flexible job shop
This code solves the scheduling problem using a genetic algorithm. Implementation taken from pyeasyga As input this code receives:
1. T = number of jobs [integer]
2. ni = number of operations of the job i [list of T elements]
3. m = number of machines [integer]
3. Mj´ = feasible machines for the operaion j of the job i [matrix of sum(ni) row, each row with n' feasible machines]
4. pj'k = processing time of the operation j' in the machine k [matrix of sum(ni) row, each row with n' feasible machines]
An example of the input is shown below:
T = 4 # number of jobs
ni =[2,3,4,2] # number of operations of the job i
ma = 6 # number of machines
Mij = [[1,2,3,4,5],[1,3,4,6],[1,3,2],[1,2,5],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,5],[1,2,3,6],[1,3,5],[1,5,6],
pjk = [[3,4,3,4,4,1000],[5,1000,5,4,1000,4],[3,4,6,1000,1000,1000],[2,4,1000,1000,4,1000],
The individual is a list with Tni2 digits. For each operation in each job it has the variable S and the variable X The S for start time to process and the X for the machine where this operation will be done. E.g:
individual = [S11,X11,S12,X12..........Sini,Xini]
To get more information you can read the guide in the repository. However it's only available in spanish. The traslation into english is on going.
To use the algorithm you only have to download the file and import it:
And then in your code call the function:
it receives the data in the format mentioned before, an integer variable (counter), the population size (pop_size) and the number of generations (num_generations)
This functions increases the number the generations when a feasible solution is not found with the current number of generations (this depends on the complexity of the problem)