This is a web-based anime recommendation system that uses React for the frontend and Flask for the backend. The system provides recommendations for anime based on user preferences and previously watched anime. Users can create an account and save their favorite anime to their profile. The system uses various filtering techniques to generate recommendations based on the user's preferences and watch history.
- User authentication and account creation
- Anime recommendation based based on preferred genres, type of anime and user age.
- Anime recommendation based on search query.
- Top rated recommendations.
- Recommendation based on previously watched anime.
- React for frontend
- Flask for backend
- Pytorch
- scikit-learn
--ColdStart-UserBased CF
--Content Based Filtering
--NN-ItemBased CF
Step 1: Download the git repository. git clone
Step 2: Download the utility files and put them in AnimeFlix/backend/util Alternatively, you can train and export these files from AnimeFlix/NoteBooks
Step 3: Start the backend server
cd backend
flask --app --debug run
Step 4: Start the frontend
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
Step 5: Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the web application
This project was developed by:
- Akanksha Pawar
- Amey More
- Padmesh Naik
- Vignesh Sundaram
as a part of Information Retrieval final project at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.