Mr Cooper
- Chennai
- akhil415.wordpress.com
A Python refresher section for all our courses
HashiCorp Certified Terraform Associate on Azure Cloud
This is the final code for the create-react-app version of Project 1 built in the Udemy course 'Implement High Fidelity Designs with Material-UI & ReactJS'
Repo for Udemy course on Socket.io
Code for projects presented in Udemy "React Testing with Jest and Enzyme" course
A back-end server to be used with the accompanying Shopping Cart tutorial - Run with this https://github.com/danielstern/redux-saga-cart
A fully-functional shopping cart built with Redux Saga using Yield - Run with accompanying server https://github.com/danielstern/redux-saga-shopping-cart-server
A repo for the ASP.NET Core Pluralsight Project
This project is no longer actively maintained and has been archived for historical reference. Platform to connect contributors and projects based on skill level and shared interests.