A game made entirely in C for the Gameboy Advance. The game is the chase between Batman and Joker.
To install the vba emulator to play the game, do the following:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install vbam
To run the GBA game you may run the following command in a linux terminal:
- vbam -f1 GameName.gba
Note - As of now, the game is best played in Unix system
To start game, press Enter when on start page
OBjective of the Game
You play as Batman(Character on the left) and Joker (Charcater) is excaping away from you.
Avoid the red boomerangs thrown by Joker
Catch Joker until he has no health left.
NOTE - Health of Joker is shown as small joker icons at the bottom, same with batman health, which is shown as small batman symbols.
When you get to the "Game over page", press backspace to get to the start page.
If you have to exit the game, press backspace