An interactive and open-source management panel for PM2 instances updated in real time. It uses a node.js environment, server-side events and websocket ( protocol to send resources usage parameters and application logs in real time.
- Demo
- Features
- Prerequisites
- Clone and install
- hCaptcha challenge
- Disclaimer
- Tech stack
- Author
- License
- managing already mounted instances (start, restart, reload, stop and delete),
- updating PM2 process state and details in real time (processor and memory usage, uptime),
- updating PM2 process logs in UI in real time (split to
), - possibility for viewing archived logs in small chunks,
- create additional user accounts with different permissions for running processes (view, start, restart etc.),
- automatic logs rotation in UI (keeping recent 1000 lines to prevent high memory usage),
- hCaptcha challenge in login form for prevent spam,
- simultaneous logout of the user after editing his account by the administrator,
- handling multiple PM2 instances from different servers,
- availability to start non-existing process.
- Node v18 or higher with yarn,
- MongoDB (used for storing additional application users),
- Docker (if you want run MongoDB from
file), - Modern browser which has support for SSE and Websocket protocol.
- To install this software on your computer, use the command below:
$ git clone
- Go to project directory and install packages:
$ cd pm2-real-time-web-ui
$ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
NOTE: If you don't have Yarn yet, install via:
$ npm i -g yarn
- Change environment variables in
file or provide as exported variables:
# only for MongoDB docker container
PM2_MONGODB_PASSWORD=<MongoDB default root password>
PM2_ADMIN_LOGIN=<default admin account username>
PM2_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<default admin account password>
PM2_ADMIN_PASSWORD_HASHED=<true, if PM2_ADMIN_PASSWORD is hashed with BCrypt>
PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=<hCaptcha site key, see hCaptcha challenge section>
PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=<hCaptcha secret, see hCaptcha challenge section>
PM2_COOKIE_SECRET=<cookies secret>
PM2_CSRF_SECRET=<32 characters length secret>
- (Only if you don't providing own MongoDB connection) Create MongoDB instance via:
$ docker-compose up -d
This command should run MongoDB instance on port defined in PM2_MONGODB_PORT
variable (by default is is 9191
- Run application:
- (Only for development purposes) To run development server (with nodemon) type:
$ yarn run dev
- (For production purposes) To run server as PM2 process type:
$ cd pm2-real-time-web-ui
$ pm2 start src/server.js --name Pm2RealTimeUi
$ pm2 save
Optionally, you can pass additional parameters:
- application port, (by default 3000),--interval
- data refreshing interval (CPU and memory usage) in milliseconds (by default 1000),--sesTime
- session max time in seconds (by default 7200s -> 2h).
Rest of application config you can find in utils/config.js
file. The most significant fields, what you might be change is:
logsBufferLinesCount: 100, // size of the buffer for reading consecutive log lines through the stream
realTimeLogsBufferLinesCount: 1000, // max count of records in real-time console log dump
By default in development environment, hCaptcha is active but without any challenge. This is provided by the following keys:
for more information, see this section.
To configure hCaptcha for production environment, register new app in hCaptcha dashboard and get site-key with secret-key (more information about that process you will find here).
After than, provide two environment variables:
PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY=<hCaptcha site key>
PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY=<hCaptcha secret>
and make sure that hCaptchaEnabled
variable is set to true (in utils/config.js
hCaptchaEnabled: true, // this must be true
hCaptchaSiteKey: process.env.PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY,
hCaptchaSecretKey: process.env.PM2_H_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY,
This application has most of the standard security features (only-http Cookies, CSRF tokens), but it is not advisable to use it in production environments with applications that have sensitive data. I am not responsible for any damage caused from using the application in a production environment.
- Node.js v20,
- Express and Handlebars (views),
- Bootstrap and Chart.js (UI),
- PM2 api,
- Server side events,
- (websocket protocol).
Created by Miłosz Gilga. If you have any questions about this application, send message: [email protected].
This software is on Apache 2.0 License.