Unity3d base project based on StrangeIoC.
- Assets/Core: All first-party project files go here.
- Assets/Plugins: Native plugins.
- Assets/Sample: A sample project mirroring the structure of Core. You can delete this safely.
- Assets/ThirdParty: Third-party assets and scripts go here.
You should keep these in Core, but reorganize locally as needed.
- Audio
- Effects
- Materials
- Meshes
- Prefabs
- Resources
- Scenes
- Scripts
- Textures
These are divided into MVCS layout following StrangeIoC's structure. For what goes where, see the sample project and StrangeIoC's documentation.
- controller
- model
- service
- view
Start by opening and running the sample scene at Assets/Sample/Scenes/Sample.unity. Use WASD or arrow keys to move. This scene lets you move the player (BLUE sphere) and saves your grid position (RED sphere) whenever you cross into a new square. Restarting the scene will place you back in the square you left off at.
Files to read first:
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/SampleContext.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/SampleRoot.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/view/SampleView.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/view/SampleMediator.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/controller/SampleMoveCommand.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/model/SampleModel.cs
- Assets/Sample/Scripts/model/SampleServiceStub.cs