An open source threat modeling tool from OWASP
Automated, Collection, and Enrichment Platform
Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine developed by the OISF and the Suricata community.
A Deep-Learning-Based Chinese Speech Recognition System 基于深度学习的中文语音识别系统
Open standard for machine learning interoperability
Deep Learning Visualization Toolkit(『飞桨』深度学习可视化工具 )
Awesome service mesh -
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
High performance server-side application framework
The Robot Operating System, is a meta operating system for robots.
TensorFlowOnSpark brings TensorFlow programs to Apache Spark clusters.
A probabilistic programming library for Bayesian deep learning, generative models, based on Tensorflow
The Open vStorage VolumeDriver is the core of the Open vStorage solution: a high performance distributed block layer. It converts block storage into objects (Storage Container Objects).
An open source trusted cloud native registry project that stores, signs, and scans content.
A general-purpose encoder-decoder framework for Tensorflow
PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
[EOL] Kubernetes as a Mesos framework
A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning …