Need to implement the Laravel composer package to receive JSON encoded data stored in a predefined format.
- The client should be defined as a service in a bundle config.
- The client should use the PSR-7 implementation of Guzzle as the transport layer.
- Baseurl, timeouts and other settings of the client should be defined in the config file, that can be published in the application by laravel publish mechanism.
- Properly defined exceptions should be thrown on CURL errors, malformed JSON response, and error JSON response, also errors should be logged.
- All service dependencies should be resolved with DiC.
- Code should be covered by phpunit/behat/codecaption tests.
- Requests should be processed through message queues.
- Client usage example built with docker-compose tool.
JSON success response format:
"data": {
"suggestions": [ {
"region": "Москва",
"value": "г Москва, ул Лубянка Б., д 12", "coordinates": {
"geo_lat": "55.7618518",
"geo_lon": "37.6284306" }
] },
"success": true
JSON error response format:
"data": [
"code": 1020,
"message": "Access forbidden"
"success": false