This repo contains the Modsecurity-snort connector which will be used to process data extracted from Snort.
#Installation guide
First build libModSecurity in your system. [Compilation recipes] (https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Compilation-recipes)
Build snort++ in your system. [Compilation recipes] (https://github.com/snortadmin/snort3#build-snort)
Try running snort in your system to see if it is correctly installed and working properly. [Testing] (https://github.com/snortadmin/snort3#run-snort)
Build the examples using instructions from
To extract http data from a buffer, you will need a trace file having http data. An example [trace file] is also attached in the repo (https://github.com/akoul/Modsecurity-Snort/blob/master/http.cap)
Run the following command in your terminal:
snort -c $my_path/etc/snort/snort.lua --plugin-path $my_path/lib/snort_extra -A alert_ex -r /path/to/my.pcap
A data.log file must be created in your home directory. The file contains extracted data from the http trace file you used as input to the snort system. Note: It is important that the pcap file used contains http data, otherwise the data.log file will be blank.
Change to /opt directory and clone the ModSecurity-snort repo
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/akoul/Modsecurity-Snort
Use the following commands for compilation and running the connector:
cd Modsecurity-Snort
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/modsecurity/lib
sudo gcc modsecurity-snort.c -I /opt/ModSecurity/headers -L /opt/ModSecurity/src/.libs/ -lmodsecurity -o modsecurity-snort
Extract remaining fields from the snort inspector.
Send the remaining fields to libmodsecurity for processing.
Check for bugs
#Disclaimer This is an basic example of ModSecurity-snort connector. More functionalities to be added later.