💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
Seaport is a marketplace protocol for safely and efficiently buying and selling NFTs.
kapp is a simple deployment tool focused on the concept of "Kubernetes application" — a set of resources with the same label
A resilient Ethereum event listener that bridges your smart contract events and backend microservices
The Go Cloud Development Kit (Go CDK): A library and tools for open cloud development in Go.
Docker image includes golang coverage tools for testing.
A reflection based dependency injection toolkit for Go.
MuseScore is an open source and free music notation software. For support, contribution, bug reports, visit Fork and make pull requests!
Kubebuilder - SDK for building Kubernetes APIs using CRDs
Terraform modules to create a self-hosting Kubernetes cluster on opinionated Cloud Platform.
Consume services in Kubernetes using the Open Service Broker API
Golang gRPC Middlewares: interceptor chaining, auth, logging, retries and more.
Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions.
Terraform provider for Azure Resource Manager
Minimalistic database migration helper for Gorm ORM
Most popular & widely deployed Open Source Container Native Storage platform for Stateful Persistent Applications on Kubernetes.
Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing.
Go dependency management tool experiment (deprecated)
getamis / quorum
Forked from Consensys/quorumA permissioned implementation of Ethereum supporting data privacy