Everything integration for the Windows taskbar.
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
Advanced Java Redis client for thread-safe sync, async, and reactive usage. Supports Cluster, Sentinel, Pipelining, and codecs.
Java library for parsing command line options
Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
flink learning blog. 含 Flink 入门、概念、原理、实战、性能调优、源码解析等内容。涉及 Flink Connector、Metrics、Library、DataStream API、Table API & SQL 等内容的学习案例,还有 Flink 落地应用的大型项目案例(PVUV、日志存储、百亿数据实时去…
A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
A Rust Boilerplate server with GraphQL API, Diesel, PostgreSQL, session authentication and JWT
Fast and safe evaluation of algebraic expressions
The most used Rust library for date and time handling.
Substrate: The platform for blockchain innovators
My Vimrc and IdeaVimrc - customized personal vimrc mostly based on SpaceVIm (neovim-backend and a standby vim-backend)
Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
High-performance, scalable time-series database designed for Industrial IoT (IIoT) scenarios
A new arguably faster implementation of Apache Spark from scratch in Rust
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM.
Go efficient multilingual NLP and text segmentation; support English, Chinese, Japanese and others.
Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platform.
Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust.