- LiveScript
- ReactJs
- Eλementary - A minimal templating engine for React - NO JSX REQUIRED
- WebPack Module Bundler
- Webpack Development Server (with livereload)
- Alt Flux
- node.js:
brew install node
All the dependencies required for the build system, testing and so on are managed with npm and defined in package.json
They can be installed with:
$ npm install
You can run npm start
to fire up the application on http://localhost:8080
or http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ (with live reload).
Without JSX - elementary lib
require! {
elementary: $
{ h1 } = $
module.exports = $.component
render: ->
h1 "Hello, #{}!"
With JSX
Install babel-loader
$ npm i babel-loader --save-dev
Add babel-loader to the 'ls' loader pipeline in webpack.config.js
{ test: /\.ls$/, loader: 'babel-loader!livescript-loader' }
require! react: { Component }
module.exports = class Hello extends Component
render: ->
``<h1>Hello, { }!</h1>``
- Configure Jest
- Add unit tests
- Achieve 100% code coverage